JetsHoppers | STATS | GUI |  FILTERS | LINKING | HOLOGRAMS |1.8 - 1.21 SUPPORT icon

JetsHoppers | STATS | GUI | FILTERS | LINKING | HOLOGRAMS |1.8 - 1.21 SUPPORT -----

Quickly link, sync & apply filters to hoppers via an easy GUI - HOLOGRAMS!

[+] Support for latest MC versions
----------, Jan 10, 2025

[+] Support for 1.21
----------, Jul 27, 2024

[+] Fixes a bug with items not being able to be put into the Hopper Inventories
[+] Fixes a bug with 1.19+ items not being allowed in the inventories
----------, Feb 19, 2024

[+] Fixes an issue with 1.20.4 NBT tags
----------, Feb 1, 2024

[+] Fixes an issue with 1.20.4 NBT tags
----------, Jan 28, 2024

[+] Added support for 1.20.4
----------, Jan 12, 2024

[+] Adds support for 1.20
----------, Jun 18, 2023

[+] Items will no longer be teleported ontop of the hoppers, if the hopper itself is full
----------, May 4, 2023

[+] Added support for Hex colour codes @xXx_Chris223_xXx
----------, Dec 3, 2022

[+] Fixed the AdvancedChests hook
----------, Jul 16, 2022

[+] Added support for 1.19
----------, Jul 4, 2022

[+] Added the Config.yml value
Code (Text):

#Should the hoppers break and drop on the floor, if an explosion goes off and destroys the hopper?
BreakHopperOnExplosion: false
If set to true, the hopper will break and the hopper will be on the floor
----------, Apr 3, 2022

[+] Support for 1.18.2
----------, Mar 6, 2022

[+] Updated hook for QuickShop
----------, Feb 13, 2022

[+] Fixed issue with the config property 'TurnAllHoppersIntoJetsHoppers'
----------, Jan 26, 2022

[+] Quickshop hook update @koningboy18
----------, Jan 6, 2022

[+] Compiled on Java 8
[+] 1.18 Support
----------, Jan 4, 2022

[+] Added command completion for all commands / sub commands - Based on User Permissions and whether they can access said command
----------, Nov 28, 2021

[+] 1.17 Material Support
----------, Sep 28, 2021

[+] Compiled on Java 16 + 1.17 support
----------, Aug 27, 2021

[+] SuperiorSkyblock Hopper count issue bug fix
----------, Mar 31, 2021

[+] Fixed a bug that caused Hoppers not to work when being placed, if the hopper name was not specified correctly with the correct CaSe
Thanks @JackInDaBox for helping me test
----------, Mar 16, 2021

[+] Added support for AdvancedChests
----------, Feb 18, 2021

If you have any updates (certain types of hoppers you want, etc) please let me know via the Discord suggestion channel :)
[+] Added very basic metrics, see main page for info :)
----------, Feb 3, 2021

Merry Christmas/25th all!

[+] Permission nodes for limiting the number of hoppers placed by a user can now be given with the :<amount> bit on as people were getting confused on the permission to give players
----------, Dec 25, 2020

[+] Commands for giving hoppers are no longer case sensitive..
----------, Nov 28, 2020

[+] Issue with Pistons spamming console with an error fixed @Kesims
----------, Nov 1, 2020

[+] Fixed a NPE to do with pistons
[+] Trapped chests can now be added as linked containers to hoppers
----------, Oct 8, 2020

[+] Fixed an issue that meant Pistons could push the holograms around
----------, Oct 6, 2020

[+] Fixed 18 more materials that did not work on 1.16 ty systek for help
----------, Aug 9, 2020

[+] Fixed 21 blocks causing issues when adding them to the filter list, ty Systek for helping me
----------, Aug 8, 2020

[+] Fixed a bug with items not transferring to a linked container after the hopper had been loaded/unloaded (Thanks @Drakanoiderna for help)
----------, Jul 14, 2020

[+] Recoded how the plugin checks if a hoppers are in a loaded chunk, should be much more efficient
[+] Changed how checking if an item is damaged, to prevent issues with older MC versions
----------, Jul 13, 2020

[+] Fixed an issue with a few more materials, Melon slices and sweet berries not being allowed in the hopper filter
[+] Fixed a NPE on startup
----------, Jul 8, 2020

[+] A few materials were not saving correctly, thanks @Drakanoiderna for helping me with a list of materials that did not work correctly in the hopper :)
----------, Jul 6, 2020

[+] Added all the 1.16 materials, a few 1.15 and 1.14 so they support going into the GUI
----------, Jul 4, 2020

[+] Fixed an issue with teleportation being allowed even if it was disabled for that hopper configuration
To modify the message given when trying to enable hopper teleportation when it is disabled, add this to messages.yml
Code (Text):

NoPermissionToToggleTeleport: "&cYou do not have permission to do this!"
----------, Jun 28, 2020

[+] Added support for 1.16
----------, Jun 28, 2020

[+] Fixed a few issues with materials on 1.13 + @DampfWaffel
----------, May 6, 2020

[+] The hopper will now drop on the floor, instead of delete, if it is given via the command
[+] Fixed an issue with melons on 1.12.2
----------, May 3, 2020

[+] Fixed an issue with melon blocks becoming melon slices
[+] Fixed an issue with hoppers deleting other holograms if placed near
----------, May 2, 2020

[+] Fixed support for the latest QuickShop
----------, Apr 22, 2020

[+] Fixed an issue with %DISTANCE% placeholder not being filled in the last update
[+] Fixed an issue with a permission node
----------, Apr 17, 2020

[+] Added ability to turn all normal hoppers into Jetshoppers, config option to add if you want this feature:

Code (Text):

#Do you want all hoppers to be converted into a JetsHopper? (If so, you need to specify the identity of the hopper a normal hopper will turn into, example TurnAllHoppersIntoJetsHoppers: I)
TurnAllHoppersIntoJetsHoppers: no
----------, Jan 10, 2020

[+] Bug fix for 1.15 + Support for 1.15 in this version
----------, Dec 18, 2019

[+] Fixed issue when toggling hologram, hologram goes up
----------, Nov 27, 2019

[+] Fixed NPE to do with last update
[+] Slightly modified how holograms work to prevent duplicates
----------, Nov 22, 2019

[+] Added ability to limit the amount of hoppers a user can place

Please add to config.yml
Code (Text):

#Hopper permission limits
  - #Specifiy the permission : number of hoppers allowed. Depending on what permission the user has will depend on how many the user can place. the permission hoppers.admin.bypasslimit can also be used for no limit
Please add to messages.yml
Code (Text):

TooManyHoppersPlaced: "&cYou cannot place any more hoppers, as you already have the maximum of %TOTAL%!"
----------, Nov 20, 2019

[+] Added a config option so when a hopper is placed down, the hologram can be off by default @Drakanoiderna

To modify this feature, add this to your config.yml
Code (Text):

#Whether holograms should be enabled by default when a hopper is placed?
hologram_enabled_on_place: true
----------, Oct 20, 2019

[+] Price of upgrading hoppers was incorrect, was charging the player the next upgrades price. This is now fixed @Drakanoiderna
----------, Oct 17, 2019

[+] Fixed an issue which meant Hoppers linked to other Hoppers lost their inventory attachment if the chunk was unloaded then loaded. @Drakanoiderna
----------, Oct 4, 2019

[+] If inventory was full, if a hopper was broken, the hopper would be lost - now it will drop on the floor ;)
----------, Sep 27, 2019

[+] Removed a debug message that was spamming console when items were transferred, sorry
----------, Sep 21, 2019

[+] Fixed issue with other plugins having issues with the way I handle players placing hoppers (I.E detecting whether a hopper was actually placed or not)
----------, Sep 14, 2019

[+] So in order to fix a bug with some materials not saving correctly (To do with attempting to support 1.8-1.14) I've done a few things, so hopefully everything is now good..

----------, Sep 10, 2019

[+] Fixed issues with the help command displaying wrong information
[+] Fixed an issue with the plugin not working correctly with 1.8 TacoSpigot
----------, Aug 24, 2019

[+] ConcurrentException Bug Fix - When the plugin detecting an issue with a hopper and tried deleting it from the file, it was unable to, now it is.
----------, Aug 15, 2019

Pretty big update, I would highllyyy suggest deleting the gui.yml file, or read bellow on how to update

[+] Added Hologram buttons, so players can toggle the holograms on/off (Suggestion by @CoreLandKoudy)
[+] Improved general text/looks of the default GUI file

In messages.yml please add:
Code (Text):

# -- Hologram Stuff --
HologramDisabled: "&7You have &c&lDISABLED &7the hoppers hologram!"
HologramEnabled: "&7You have &a&lENABLED &7the hoppers hologram!"
in gui.yml, after line 10 please add (although I highly suggest simply deleting gui.yml, unless you have done lots of changes to it):
Code (Text):

#Hologram enable/disable button
      type: NAME_TAG
      name: "&3» &b&lHOLOGRAM"
      slot: 13
      condition: NOPERMISSION
      action: HOLOGRAM
        - "&cYou do not have the required"
        - "&cpermission &4(jetshoppers.default.hologram)&c"
        - "&cIn order to use this feature!"
      type: NAME_TAG
      name: "&3» &b&lHOLOGRAM"
      slot: 13
      condition: ENABLED
      action: HOLOGRAM
        - "&7Hologram: &aEnabled"
        - " "
        - "&7Right Click to Toggle!"
      type: NAME_TAG
      name: "&3» &b&lHOLOGRAM"
      slot: 13
      condition: DISABLED
      action: HOLOGRAM
        - "&7Hologram: &cDisabled"
        - " "
        - "&7Right Click to Toggle!"
----------, Aug 10, 2019

[+] If say a hopper is called LEVEL1 and the player tries giving a hopper using the name level1, it would not work, now it will
[+] Removed a debug message
----------, Aug 3, 2019

[+] A bug that caused issues with other plugins to do with block-breaking. If you have hopper-limits set (for example on a skyblock server per islands or other places) then I would update.
----------, Aug 1, 2019

[+] Removed debug messages when plugin is unloaded / server stopped
[+] Fixed a bug which showed the wrong icon in the Filter Inventory @TDStewart
----------, Jul 29, 2019

[+] Fixed issue with 1.8 causing an error when moving an item into a hopper
----------, Jul 29, 2019

[+] Added /jetshoppers reload, to reload configuration files
----------, Jul 28, 2019

[+] Fixed an issue, when a hopper item was transferred, on 1.8 a method I used did not exist and people were getting errors
----------, Jul 24, 2019

[+] @LogaaanCzech added a check to see if world is null, try this update - Possible fix to a NPE
----------, Jul 16, 2019

[+] Fixed issue with Item Transferred stat not being converted when the hopper was picked up and placed back down
[+] Holograms will appear quicker after the hopper is loaded
[+] Fixed an error that occurred if the Plugin tried saving a file with 0 hoppers - This caused a few minor issues
[+] added a new command /jetshoppers info - displays how many hoppers there are on the server and how many are loaded - If you have any suggestions on anything to add to this command, that would be great
----------, Jul 13, 2019

[+] Implemented a Chunk-Cache system (Which is used by every hopper every second, so this is very good for performance)
[+] Implemented a slightly longer delay when loading a hopper (Weird but Improves performance by about 4x and should have no noticeable difference to how hoppers work)
----------, Jul 7, 2019

[+] Fixed an item picking-up bug, which could cause items to be deleted.
----------, Jul 6, 2019

[+] Massively updated the default configs (You can see some changes made in the main post, in the IMAGES section) - to make the images look better
[+] Added a new %upgrade-tier% option in the gui.yml as a placeholder, to get the name of the next upgraded hopper
----------, Jul 3, 2019

[+] Bug fix for item amounts with WildStacker/UltimateStacker
Thanks @ishopify for helping me with this ;)
----------, Jun 22, 2019

[+] Support for UltimateStacker added
----------, Jun 21, 2019

[+] Fixed bug with QuickShop
[+] Added support for Stacker plugins, I can easily add others, starting off small with just WildStacker at the moment.
----------, Jun 19, 2019

[+] If no data was saved, error was thrown. Now fixed
----------, Jun 15, 2019

[+] Fixed an issue of hoppers trying to load before the worlds were loaded, if additional worlds exist

Thanks @ishopify for helping me test :)
----------, Jun 13, 2019

[+] NPE Fix that occurred while checking if a JetsHopper is loaded or not
----------, Jun 13, 2019

[+] Have added a new way to automatically hook into plugins. Currently just QuickShop is supported - Stacker plugins will be supported within the next few days.
----------, Jun 13, 2019

[+] Fixed NPE being thrown in console while saving a configuration file
----------, Jun 12, 2019

[+] Hoppers can no longer be moved using Pistons
----------, Jun 11, 2019

[+] By setting an item to -1, it wont appear in the inventory (unless it's a filler item)
----------, Jun 8, 2019

[+] Hopper will not take items from chests attached if they are blacklisted (or not on the whitelist)
----------, Jun 5, 2019

[+] The hopper will now reject (with a cool animation) items that are on the blacklist (or items not on the whitelist), if they land ontop of the hopper
----------, Jun 4, 2019

[+] Bug fixes while the resource was being reviewed :)
----------, Jun 3, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 374
First Release: Jun 3, 2019
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings