Jannes icon

Jannes -----

Usefull commands for any minecraft server | 1.14+

Jannes Plugin

[Optional] <required>

permissions: jannes.time
/day: Sets the time to day
/noon: Sets the time to noon
/night: Sets the time to night
/midnight: Sets the time to midnight

permissions: jannes.weather
/sun: Sets the weather to sun
/rain: Sets the weather to rain
/thunder: Sets the weather to thunder

permissions: jannes.gamemode, jannes.gamemode.other
/gmc [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to creative
/gms [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to survival
/gmsp [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to spectator
/gma [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to adventure

permissions: jannes.teleport, jannes.teleport
/tpall [Player]: Teleports all online players to you or the specified player
/tpto <Player>: Teleports you to the specified player
/tphere <Player>: Teleports the specified player to you

/fly [Player]: Toggles your or the specified player's flight permissions: jannes.fly, jannes.fly.other
/heal [Player]: Heals you or the specified player permissions: jannes.heal, jannes.heal.other
/feed [Player]: Feeds you or the specified player permissions: jannes.feed, jannes.feed.other
/vanish: Hides you from online players permissions: jannes.vanish
/god [Player]: Toggles your or the specified player's godmode permissions: jannes.god, jannes.god.other
/sudo [Player] [command or text]: Makes the specified player run a command or say what you want permissions: jannes.sudo
/break: Breaks the block you're looking at permissions: jannes.break
/list: Shows all online players
/colors: Shows all minecraft formatted color codes
/jannes: Plugin's main command
/playerinfo: Shows the specified player's info permissions: jannes.playerinfo
/nick: Allows you to change your or the specified player's display name permissions: jannes.nick, jannes.nick.other
/unnick: Allows you to reset your display name permissions: jannes.unnick
/invsee [Player]: Opens the specified player's inventory to you permissions: jannes.invsee

1. stop the server
2. put the .jar in the plugins folder
3. start the server
4. done

The configuration file has all the explanations in it
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 182
First Release: Jan 1, 2023
Last Update: May 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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