This plugin adds a jail system to your Minecraft server with various features:
Setting the Jail Location:
Command: /setjail Allows setting the jail's location.
The coordinates are stored in config.yml, and players are teleported to this location when jailed.
Jailing a Player:
Command: /jail <player> [time][unit] Jails a player for a specified duration. Time can be given in seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h). If no time is provided, the jail is permanent.
The jailed player has their interactions restricted (e.g., breaking blocks, attacking, accessing inventory, etc.).
Releasing a Player:
Command: /unjail <player> Releases a player from jail and teleports them to the server spawn.
Automatic Distance Check:
Players who move beyond the allowed distance from the jail (configurable in config.yml) are automatically teleported back to the jail.
Configurable via config.yml:
All messages can be customized in config.yml.
Maximum allowed distance from the jail can also be set (jail.max_distance)