# title = Title of book
# rules = List of rules
# '%nl%' -> New line
# '-' -> New page
title: "Server Rules"
- "Welcome to the server! Before playing, read the rules"
- "&7[&61&7] &6Be nice to others. %nl%&7[&62&7] &6Don't cheat. %nl%&7[&63&7] &6Respect other players."
- "&7[&64&7] &6Don't grief. %nl%&7[&65&7] &6Don't swear before 10pm."
accept-text: '[ACCEPT]'
deny-text: '[DECLINE]'
# Messages
no-permission-message: 'You do not have permission to use this command.'
accept-message: "Thank you for accepting the rules!"
deny-message: "You refused to accept the rules."
plugin-reloaded: "&aPlugin reloaded."
Free, Rules, Book, Server, ITo, IToMSD, International Team of Minecraft Servers Developers, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21