I've had no issues with it for a while, when I make an item give you an effect on rightclick
effect give %player% minecraft:haste 480 1 true
For some reason it only works when the item is in the offhand?
When it's not it just clears the effect...
Please add execution command on behalf of server, any player will be able to use the item command by right-clicking on the item, also add execution of the command via shift, but do it separately, for example: /it execution_command shift
Great plugin, but I have a problem where only people with OP permission can use the right-click action feature on items. How do I give everyone permission to use right-click on items?
Great plugin which helped a lot with my server. But is there a way to make an item undroppable even after death? If there isnt it would help so much if you could add that option.
Hello, in my case I am having problems with the GUI of the plugin, since, when clicking on a night vision potion and wanting to apply it to a case, it is not possible. It does not increase the level of the potion, I already tried from Java, Bedrock and even from Bedrock for mobile.
Can someone show me a section of the configuration file so I can try to generate it manually?
The person is very kind and provides good service. Even though there are some things I would like to add, they do not avoid the conversation and truly assist me. I am happy and grateful for this project.
Il plugin perfetto per il mio server Minecraft, Ve lo consiglio. Mi è piaciuto il collegamento con item edit che fanno un duo perfetto. Ve lo raccomando
El mejor complemento que e usado aunque no conosco todas las funcione s me podrian ayudar diciendome si hay forma de ha cer un lansador de cobweb con este plugin y me podrian decir como porfaaaa ya pedi soporte en discord pero no tengo respuesta espero tenerla desde aqui.
tengo un prpblema al agregar cooldown a un item porque al agregarlo NO AGARRA EL COOLDOWN ya que los items se pueden usar sin ningun tiempo de espera porfa diganme esto tambien como se hace como le agrego coldown a un item que ejecuta commandos por consola
This plug is one of the best! With just this, and the other required plug (item edit) you can make minecraft your own sort of world. I made a vanilla server not even feel like minecraft and its all easy to use! Fantastic work whoever developed this plug along with item edit. I thank you!
This plugin is pretty good, the new possibilities that it provides us with work surprisingly nice but I would like to know if there's a way to change the unlimited duration to a custom one. I'm preparing a custom item on my server and the only missing feature is a limited duration.
If there's already a way to switch it I would be grateful to know it.
I already loved ItemEdit, but this plugin made it 10x better for me, it makes it really easy to add item abilities along with making it a lot harder to exploit my already existing items. Five stars.
Suggestion 1 it's a bit tricky as Instant effects shouldn't be permanent since the effect itself is instantaneous, making it permanent would repeat the effect on each tick (20 times per second), making it not suitable for a real use
Suggestion 2 was discarded a long time ago for performance reasons (lag etc..)
Suggestion 4 can't be done because i can't know if a player is Hold-Clicking
I like suggestions 3 and 5 i may add them in the future!
Version: 3.0.4
Amazing Plugin, But There Is Just One Thing Missing Which Is Being Able To Activate Effects By Sneaking, It Would Be Really Cool If You Could Add That
Thanks for your kind review ^^
Send me the latest log file on discord so we can find the bug and fix it ;-)
Version: 3.0.4
Es un buen plugin la verdad estos dias que lo e estado probando e podido percatar que siempre funciona se reinicie el servidor o siga online lo recomiendo si quieres hacer un seurvival op o un boxpvp
This plugin is so good!! it helps me a lot with the effect feature, since there are no updated plugins that does it so easily, keep up your good work emanon!!
¿Can i ask you to add something? ¿Can you add an option to execute the commands as op player? I had a long time ago a plugin called Custom Your Items (or something like that) with this option, but it's dead.
English is not my mother language, sorry if i had made some mistake.
Хороший разработчик я попросил я буквально через 1 день он это добавил, аддон очень хорош не вызывает лагов некогда не подводил больше всего нравится опция с эффектами когда держишь предмет в руке!