ItemsAdder API
Skript Version:
Used Addons:
Skript Reflect:
skript-reflect v2.4
and all plugins related to it!!!
If you are new to Skript or dont know how to use this ressource, i will give you a quick explanation. For this ressource to work, you need to download the addon called Skript-Reflect from the download link above. It is reccomendet to use the newest version of both Skript and Skript-Reflect. After you dragged Skript and Skript-Reflect to the
Server/plugins/ folder, you need to start and stop the server. After that you will find the
Server/plugins/Skript/scripts/ path. There you will need to place the file. After that you can use the syntax below to get Custom Items from any skript of your choice.
Happy Skripting
Example Usage:
Code (Text):
command /showcase:
set {_items::*} to all custom-items
set {_item} to custom-item "example"
if custom-item "example" is in registry "customitems":
send "true"
send group of custom-item "example"
send permission of custom-item "example"