ItemRenamerReloaded [1.12 - 1.21.4] [PlaceholderAPI & Vault support] icon

ItemRenamerReloaded [1.12 - 1.21.4] [PlaceholderAPI & Vault support] -----

Rename or set the lore to any type of item with just one command!

⚠️ The config file has been updated, and by so, you have to add new content to your config file. See the changes right here or in the main plugin page!

Hi there! Here we are again!

I've made a new update which brings Economy support!
Now you can charge your users for renaming or for setting the lore to items!

- Added Economy Support. You will need Vault and a compatible economy plugin that uses it, such as XConomy, Essentials...
- Added a new option to remove all the lines from an item. You can try it with /setlore clear subcommand!
- Some code refactoring and QoL updates

Thanks for your download!

Don't forget to mark this plugin as "Favorite"!

☕︎ If you would like to support me, you can do so now through Ko-Fi!
----------, Dec 7, 2024

Hi there! Long time no see!

Im back with a new QOL update to prepare for the next 1.3 update, which will bring economy compatibility as well as the option to save items locally (so you can modify them from a config file in case that, for example, you want to add longer names or lore to an item).

- Added an update checker. In case there is a new update, it will send a message on join to those players with the itemrenamer.admin permission, as well as a reminder in the console log.
- If the config.yml disappears or is deleted by mistake, the plugin will automatically generate a new file with the up to date configuration
- Some general code cleaning and preparation for the next update

Thanks for your download!

☕ If you would like to support me, you can do so now through Ko-Fi!
----------, Sep 7, 2024

Hi there!
Here we have a little bug fix update.
If you didn't do it yet, REMEMBER to UPDATE the config file with the new v1.2 CHANGES!

- Fixed a case when you type as the first /setlore argument something that its not a number, which results in a NumberFormatException.

Thanks for your download!
----------, Dec 1, 2023

Hi there users!
I added a new feature to the plugin! Now you can add Minecraft Sounds to play to the users when they rename an item or add lore to an item.

The config file has been updated, and by so, you have to add two new lines to your config file. See the changes right here!

So here you have the full changelog for this update:
- Now you can play Minecraft sounds when a player renames an item or adds lore to it.

This added new lines to the config, which you can add them in the "options" section (feel free to check the full updated config here):
Code (YAML):
# Play a custom sound when a player renames or adds a lore to an item! (Full sounds list:
# The format follows like this: SOUND_ID;VOLUME;PITCH
# If you don't want to use sounds, just replace it with "none" (ex.; name_set_sound: none)
- Just the same as in my other StaffChatReloaded plugin, I added new checks when the config file lacks some values internally replacing them with the default ones and warning you about it in the Console Log, so the plugin can work perfectly fine without crashing even if you mess up with the config!
- Some internal code changes.

Thanks for your dowload!
----------, Nov 30, 2023

Hi there users!
Finally, I added one of the most requested things in the past year, PlaceholderAPI compatibility! And with a permission node so only Staff members can set a placeholder into an item.

So here you have the full changelog for this update:
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders support.
- Added a new permission to allow Staff (or whoever you want) to set placeholders into the items name and/or lore. (itemrenamer.papi)
- Fixed a little typo in the config.yml file comments.

Thanks for your dowload!
----------, Nov 1, 2023

Hi there users!
Finally, after so many years and so many delays, I finally recoded my second Java Plugin... ItemRenamerReloaded! And its packed with new features and a full plugin recode!

This has been a full recode update, and by so, the old config.yml file you had, will need to be removed from the ItemRenamerReloaded plugin folder. So, MAKE A BACKUP!

So here you have the full changelog:
- Full plugin recode.
- Now you can add lore to the items with the new command /setlore! (more info in the plugin page description)
- Now you can rename your items (and add lore) with RGB/HTML +1.16 color codes! Simply type "&#" (without the " ") and the color code you want to use!

  • With the addon of the new item lore setting, you can LIMIT how many lines of lore a player can add to an item as you wish with a single line in the config. (more info in the plugin page description)
- Added a main command to see the plugin help with all its commands usage and to reload the configuration. /irr <reload/help>
- Now, you must have Java 11 or higher to use this plugin.
- Compatible from Minecraft 1.12.2 to 1.20.2!
- Removed the /irversion command.

Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for new updates! And leave all your suggestions and questions in the discussion page! :cool:
----------, Oct 26, 2023

What's new?
Compatible with +
Now the plugin its compatible with Minecraft 1.14.3
So now, the plugin will be compatible from 1.12 to 1.14.3 (all subversions included)

Bug Fix = When you startup your server, it will give you an API error.
Now this is fixed.

Thanks for your download :)
I will bring all your sugestions as fast as possible. Sorry!
----------, Jun 28, 2019

Backup your config.yml file before updating.

What's new?
Added and changed +
Added a new Help command with all the plugin commands. The command is /irhelp

Added and changed +
Added a new about command with the author and your current plugin version. The command is /irversion
Permission: itemrenamer.version

Changed = Little change in config.yml file, backup of the file is recommended.

Code = Little code changed, from version 0.5.3 to 0.6

New compatibility + Now the plugin its compatible with Minecraft 1.14.
So now its compatible from 1.12 to 1.14 (all subversions included)

Plugin weight = Changed from 7.1 KB to 9 KB

Thanks for your download :)
I will bring all your sugestions as fast as possible. Sorry!
----------, Apr 26, 2019

What's new?
= Fixed the plugin.yml and the config.yml files version
From 0.5 to 0.5.3

Sorry for not update this plugin in months, im planning a big update but its hard, but...
Thanks for +100 downloads! :)
----------, Feb 27, 2019

I updated the plugin to Minecraft 1.13.2 :)

So... ¿What's new?
Compatibility Change +
Minecraft 1.13.2 its now compatible (as well as 1.13 and 1.12)

Thanks for your download :)
----------, Oct 24, 2018


Little update to change a little line of code
Its not an important update but it was necessary :)

So... ¿What's new?
Little change =
Changed the version line

Thanks for your download :)
----------, Oct 17, 2018

I added a new command, and that is /irhelp
The permission is -> itemrenamer.about

Just like on my other plugin StaffChatReloaded :)
Not that useful but its cool to have a command like this (right? ;))

So... ¿What's new?
New command +
Added the /irhelp command
New permission + Added a permission to the /irhelp command

Thanks for your download :)
----------, Oct 17, 2018

This is a bug fix update related with the /irreload command that I think that has not been uploaded yet, so there you go.

So... ¿What's new?
Fixed command +
Fixed the /irreload command
Fixed permissions + Fixed permissions of /irreload command

"Lores" update !
In progress :)
(Thanks @Malacaritaa for that suggestion :) )

Thanks for your download :)
----------, Oct 5, 2018

I accidentally uploaded an older version.
Please update it again.

Sorry and thanks for your download!
----------, Sep 19, 2018

This plugin now has a new command!
A config reload command! :)

So... ¿What's new?
New command +
Added a config reload command -> /irreload
Added a new line on config.yml + You can change the config reload command message

Thanks for your download :)
----------, Sep 19, 2018

This plugin has been updated to Minecraft 1.13.1
And its compatible with 1.13 and 1.12.X too! :)
And now the plugin name is ItemRenamerReloaded :)

So... ¿What's new?
Compatibility change +
Minecraft 1.13.1, 1.13 and 1.12 compatible
Permissions change + Changed the renameit.*.* permissions to itemrenamer.*.*
Plugin name changed + Now the name of the plugin/resource is ItemRenamerReloaded
Plugin photos changed +

Thanks for your download :)
----------, Aug 29, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,211
First Release: Jan 27, 2018
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings