Hi there users!
Finally, after so many years and so many delays, I finally
recoded my second Java Plugin...
ItemRenamerReloaded! And its packed with
new features and a
full plugin recode!
This has been a full recode update, and by so, the old config.yml file you had, will need to be removed from the ItemRenamerReloaded plugin folder. So, MAKE A BACKUP!
So here you have the full changelog:
- ✔ Full plugin recode.
- ✔ Now you can add lore to the items with the new command /setlore! (more info in the plugin page description)
- ✔ Now you can rename your items (and add lore) with RGB/HTML +1.16 color codes! Simply type "&#" (without the " ") and the color code you want to use!
- ⓘ With the addon of the new item lore setting, you can LIMIT how many lines of lore a player can add to an item as you wish with a single line in the config. (more info in the plugin page description)
- ✔ Added a main command to see the plugin help with all its commands usage and to reload the configuration. /irr <reload/help>
- ✔ Now, you must have Java 11 or higher to use this plugin.
- ✔ Compatible from Minecraft 1.12.2 to 1.20.2!
- ✔ Removed the /irversion command.
Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for new updates! And leave all your suggestions and questions in the discussion page!