Items.yml and config.yml are now v3! You items.yml, config.yml enlang.yml will now be copied and reset!
Please re-set up your items using the new v3 items.yml, config.yml, enlang.yml
- FULLY Updated to Spigot/Bukkit 1.10!
- Support to unbreakable for ALL ITEMS.
- unbreakable itemflag
- first-join itemflag.
- Huge bugs with world changed issues
- placement itemflag. This now only works for "block" items. Was causing glitches if put on non-block items such as pickaxes would cause you not to be able to open chests and such.
- Firework attributes can now be hidden!
- Cleaned up a few listeners
- Better combatUpdate checker. (Supporting future versions)
- Easier switching between 1.6-1.8 and 1.9-1.10
- All modifiers now have a new name: Itemflags
- Give-On-Modifiers & Prevent-Modifiers are now called Itemflags
- attributes are now hide-attributes.
- all damage is now handled by unbreakable itemflag.
- item-damage-living & item-damage-blocks are now an itemflag called unbreakable.
- Items can now be SET to unbreakable rather than listening and repairing them after they are damaged
- hide-attributes now hides ALL attributes. Including firework attributes.
- Combined mainhand/offhand/inventoryclick listeners.
- Unbreakable tags can now be hidden with hide-attributes.
- CacheItems is now its own class
- ItemsDamaged Listener, This is now the Unbreakable itemflag.
- Removed the first-join boolean. First-Join-Item: True/false is now just an itemflag, first-join
Please see the
Documentations page if you need any help with these new updates! Have any ideas or requests that you would like to see in ItemJoin's future? Please submit a
feature request!