Added new command (/clean <world>), the <world> argument is not required
Added new permission (itemcleaner.clean), to use (/clean <world>) command
Added new variable %world%
Added new variable %removeditems%
Removed command (/itemcleaner cleaner <enable/disable>)
Removed permission (itemcleaner.cleaner)
Added two lines of (, exactly this lines (- '&e/clean &7Clean items in the groung'), (- '&e/clean <world> &7Clean items in the groung in selected world') Added a line of (messages.permissions), exactly this line (- '&eitemcleaner.clean &7Allow to use &e/clean &7and &e/clean <world>' Removed a line of (, exactly this line (- '&e/itemcleaner cleaner <enable/disable> &7Enable/Disable auto clean funcion') Removed a line of (messages.permissions), exactly this line (- '&eitemcleaner.cleaner &7Allow to use &e/itemcleaner cleaner <enable/disable>') Removed message (itemcleaner-cleaner) Removed message (cleaner-enable) Removed message (cleaner-disable) Added new message (config.clean-clean-message) Added new message (config.clean-world-not-exist) Modified (config.clean-message) new name ( Added in message ( new possible variable %removeditems%
The removed command is because when use the command, all coments disappear.
If you update the plugin, is highly recommended to delete the config.yml file from the /plugins/ItemCleaner folder and then restart the server. If not, manually remove and add at least the grey section or it will not work properly.