This plugin offers many features of which many that protect your shop from theft. This is because of the people I play with, you know who you are. Consider this motivation for a good plugin.
- As shown in the provided image, the sign must be placed above the chest in for it to be recognised as a shop sign. I hope to add functionality where I can allow the sign to be placed on a wall/side of a chest but depends on my spare time.
- For the game/plugin to understand you want this to be a shop sign, please write [BUY] on the first line and [COST] on the third line. You will know if you have done this correctly if the plugin prompts you in chat when confirming the sign (clicking done).
- Underneath [BUY], you want to write how much you want to sell and what you want to sell, <amount> <item_id>. For example: 16 apple. Underneath [COST], you want to write how much you want the item/s to cost<amount> <item_id>. For example: 1 diamond.
- If the item ID does not fit on the sign, you can use the following commands:
/buyitem <amount. <item_id>
Example: /buyitem 16 waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs
/costitem <amount> <item_id>
Example: /costitem 32 acacia_fence_gate
The item name will not be displayed on the sign but the amount will, as shown in the image on the left example. This shop will still function.
- Once you have created your sign, place a chest underneath the sign to confirm the shop and now the shop belongs to you! If you have placed a chest already, destroy it and replace it to update the plugin. If you cannot place a chest, please read the prompt. Normally this is due to an invalid shop sign format.
- The shop is immune to any explosions, piston movement and unauthorised block breaking. I believe I have covered almost all instances of shop related blocks from unauthorised destruction, however if you find anything else please let me know!
The /removeshop command feature allows anyone with the correct permission to use the /removeshop command. ideally This should only be granted to server staff/operators, as this command works on shops you do not own.
Players with
OP or players given access to the
itemtradeshops.removeshop permission can now look at a shop sign and run
/removeshop, to remove the shop from the
'shop.yml' list, enabling the shop to be destroyed or claimed by any player.
The itemtradeshops.removeshop permission is initially defaulted to players with operator.
The permissions for the /buyitem and /costitem commands are set to default, therefore any player should have access to these commands when the plugin initalises. The permissions are:
The permissions for these commands are as follows: