This plugin is add nbt item for casting mythicmobs skill.
I created this plugin because MythicCrucible and MMOItems are expensive and i want share my project too, that's why you can see this on Modrinth, SpigotMC, and here.
I recommended to see this on Modrinth or GitHub because i will update the plugin first in that website.
How to Install:
Here if you don't know how to setup the plugin
- Setup your Minecraft Server.
- Then install the plugin MythicMobs, NBTAPI, and ItemCaster.
- Upload plugin MythicMobs, NBTAPI and ItemCaster. to plugins/ in your server files.
- Run the server and done!
With this you can use my plugin in your server, If you find any bugs or errors, feel free to contact me on Discord or just use GitHub for the issues you found.
This plugin has wiki,
here the link.
Simple Explanation to Use This Plugin:
For the more information you can see it on the Wiki.
What is Skill and Activator?
Skill: Mythicmobs skill id to cast with nbt.
Activator: How the Skill is casted.
For activator you can see list the event in
Item Configuration.
You can add more than 1 file in directory items and more than 1 items in 1 file.
File: ItemCaster/items/example.yml
Code (YAML):
: diamond_sword
: 1
: true
- skill
: Test
: left_click
type: Material of the item.
model_data: Set CustomModelData the item.
unbreakable: Make the item unbreakable.
abilities: Add Skill to the item
Easy way to edit item nbt in the game.
Use this mod on your Minecraft and join to the sever. now you can edit item nbt only in game.
NBT Editor
If you ask why i not make the item editor, im just lazy...
Command & Permission:
Here's list commands and permissions in this plugin.
/ic reload
- For Reloading the configuration.
/ic get <item> [amount]
- Getting Custom Item to the player.
/ic give <player> <item> [amount]
- Give Custom item to the player.
/ic test <skill> <activator> [-c <number>] [-p <number>] [-v <key>:<value>]
- Give test item that have flag like -c, -p, and -v. for testing the skill with item.
/ic hand <set/remove/removeAll> [skill] [activator]
- Cast Mythicmobs skill without item.
For aliass argument, will not showing on the tab completion.
- /ic reload: /ic r
- /ic get: /ic g
- /ic test: /ic t
- /ic hand: /ic h
- Only for detect if player is admin or not.