iShop icon

iShop -----

Item trading shops with unique GUI! Easy to use & configure!

Very important update READ CAREFULLY!
Please make backups before updating!

- Brand new database columns will be created and used! You must convert your old database manually the first time you use this plugin by a simple console command and server restart; instructions are below
- Minecraft 1.20.6 & 1.21 compatibility
- Update tab completion
- Fix rare issue related to player heads when listing shops
- Fix find command listing shops out of stock
- Add config option shopParticles to change particle effect for shops
- Update configVersion to 3.11
- New command /shop copy <id> that will create a new shop at the targeted location with duplicate trades of given shop id
- Completely rewrite database loading/saving. Items with metadata are more accurately saved with performance improvements
- New console command shop convertdatabase ( can only be used once on first use of iShop 2.26+) if you do not use this command the first time you update, your previous shops and stocks may become corrupted or lost

Instructions to convert your previous database for compatibility with iShop version 2.26+ -- Strongly recommended to retrieve all items with item metadata from stock before converting as some items with metadata will not convert correctly, including shops.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only perform these steps one single time, which is when you start your server for the first time with this updated iShop plugin version 2.26+
  1. Completely shut down your Minecraft server
  2. Create backups of your iShop plugins folder with database
  3. Update/Replace iShop plugin jar file to latest iShop-2.26.jar within your plugins folder
  4. Start your server and let it completely finish loading. Do not let any players connect!
  5. Type shop convertdatabase within the server console
  6. Wait for iShop successful message, then shut down and restart server
----------, Jul 13, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,319
First Release: Oct 7, 2020
Last Update: Jul 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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