# iShop - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/ishop.84555/
# The block you want to open the shop GUI
# Shop GUI will be activated only by left or right click
shopBlock: 'minecraft:barrel'
# The block you want to open the stock GUI
# Stock GUI will be activated only by left clicking
stockBlock: 'minecraft:composter'
# Allows the use of shop blocks. Setting to false will disable players using specified shop block to open shop GUI
# WARNING: Setting to false will allow breaking of existing shop blocks without deleting shop!
enableShopBlock: true
# Enable more than 1 shop block adding unlimited blocks listed below if true
# WARNING: Removing previously set blocks from this list will allow breaking of existing shop blocks without deleting shop!
multipleShopBlocks: false
- minecraft:chest
- minecraft:crafting_table
# Allows the use of stock blocks. Setting to false will disable players using specified stock block to open stock GUI
enableStockBlock: true
# Enable more than 1 stock block adding unlimited blocks listed below if true
multipleStockBlocks: false
- minecraft:ender_chest
- minecraft:jukebox
# Disable trading of listed items below if true
disabledItems: false
# Disable creating shops in worlds listed below if true
disableShopInWorld: false
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# This enables admin shops that don't need stock. Created by typing /shop adminshop, requires ishop.admin permission
enableAdminShop: true
# Set player head for admin shops when listing using UUID. Default is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
adminPlayerHeadShops: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
# Enable clickable chest item in self owned shop gui that will access stock
enableStockAccessFromShopGUI: true
# Allows players to access the stock GUI by typing /shop stock
# Players with ishop.stock permission will bypass if disabled
enableStockCommand: true
# Number of default stock pages to have in the stock GUI
stockPages: 5
# Maximum number of stock pages to have in the stock GUI if usePermissions is set to true
maxStockPages: 10
# Enable sending of messages when players have purchased or sold item(s) from shops
enableShopNotifications: true
# Enable sending of missed sold item(s) from shops by using command /shop sold
enableShopSoldMessage: true
# Enable saving ALL shop sold messages instead of only messages while player is offline
enableSavingAllShopSoldMessages: true
# Enable sending of message when player connects if items have been sold while offline
enableSoldNotificationOnJoin: true
# Only send sold notification 1 time when players first connects until they use /shop sold clear or server restarts
onlyNotifySoldOnceUntilClear: true
# Delay time in seconds after connecting to notify player of '/shop sold'
soldNotificationsDelayTime: 5
# Automatically clear shop sold list when player reaches end of list
autoClearSoldListOnLast: false
# Enable sending of messages to shop owners if item(s) are out of stock when players try to purchase
enableOutOfStockMessages: true
# Time in seconds before shop owner receives another message about being out of stock when someone tries to buy item(s)
noStockCooldown: 300
# Require player to own at least 1 shop to access stock
mustOwnShopForStock: true
# Amount of money needed to create a shop
# Set to 0 to disable
createCost: 0.0
# Amount of money returned when deleting a shop
# Set to 0 to disable
returnAmount: 0.0
# Amount of days a player is inactive before deleting their shops
# Set to 0 to disable
maxInactiveDays: 0
# List of player UUID's that will be exempt from shops expiring if maxInactiveDays is set above 0
- 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
# Remove block that the shop is located at when deleting or moving a shop
deleteBlock: false
# Show particle effects on active shop blocks
showParticles: true
# Required to set the ishop flag in the regions for it to work
# Only works if WorldGuard is installed
enableWorldGuardFlag: false
# Set whether you want to use permission nodes or not
# Setting to false will allow any player to create a shop up to defaultShopLimit
# Set to true if you have a permission plugin
usePermissions: false
# Only works if usePermissions is set to false
# If it's set to true, then you'll need to edit the limit via permission nodes for example; ishop.create.limit.5
# Set to -1 to disable shop limit
defaultShopLimit: 5
# Allow everyone to remotely manage their own player shops using "/shop manage <id>" command
remoteManage: true
# Allow everyone to use "/shop view <id>" command to view other players shop remotely
remoteShopping: true
# Allow everyone to use "/shop list <player>" command to view full list of given players shops with location
publicListCommand: false
# Allow everyone to use "/shop shops" command to view all found player shops
publicShopListCommand: true
# This will show admin shops when using "/shop shops" -- Requires server restart if config option changed!
adminShopPublic: true
# Setting this to false will hide shops that player owns when using command "/shop shops"
publicShopListShowsOwned: true
# Allow shop owners and admins to place item frames and signs on shop blocks when sneaking
placeItemFrameSigns: true
# Setting to true will protect shop blocks from explosions
protectShopBlocksFromExplosions: true
# Delay loading of shops database in seconds. This is useful if you have shops in custom worlds that take time to load during server startup
# WARNING: During load delay time, shop & stock blocks will NOT be protected! Default is 0 for no delay
shopsDatabaseLoadDelay: 0
# Set a range limit stock block(s) must be within player owned shop block(s) distance to access stock inventory
# Default is 0 for disabled
stockRangeLimitFromShop: 0
# Set to true if you would like '/shop stock' command range limit to be enforced using stockRangeLimitFromShop distance
stockRangeLimitUsingCommand: false
# This will only allow items that are in active shop trades to be added and stored in stock inventory
strictStock: false
# Prevent players from creating duplicate item trades within each shop they own
preventDuplicates: true
# Prevent players from creating duplicate item trades from any shop they own
preventAllDuplicates: false
# Save shops with no trades to database on server shutdown
saveEmptyShops: true
# Save shops and stock to database interval in minutes. Database will auto save upon server shutdown. Default is every 15 minutes
saveDatabase: 15
# When a player with iShop.admin permission uses command createshop and is not a server operator, skip checking for permission within GriefPrevention, Lands, SuperiorSkyblock2, Towny, and WorldGuard
skipPermsCheckForAdminCreateShop: true
# Allow everyone to use "/shop find <item>" command to search all player shops that are selling given item
publicFindCommand: true
# Time in seconds players must wait to use find command again. Set to 0 to disable
findCommandCooldown: 5
# Allow everyone to use '/shop move' command to move their shops to a new location
publicMoveCommand: true
# Change the particle effect (requires server restart) for shops to any Enum Constant Particle found at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
shopParticles: "villager_happy"
# Customizable Messages
adminShop: "Admin Shop #%id"
adminShopDisabled: "&cAdmin shops have been disabled!"
broadcastOff: "Broadcast OFF"
broadcastOn: "Broadcast ON"
buy: "&7You bought&a %in &7for&c %out&7!"
buyAction: "BUY"
buyTitle2: "PRICE TO BUY ITEMS [SLOT 2]"
createShopTitle: "Create shop trades!"
createTitle: "CREATE"
deleteTitle: "DELETE"
disabledShopBlock: "&cCannot create shop location when shop blocks are disabled!"
existingShop: "&cCannot create shop where existing shop is already located!"
foundShops: "&6Found&a %shops &6shop(s) for player:&a %p"
location: "&6Shop&a %id &6location XYZ: "
noItems: "&cYou do not have enough item(s) to buy from this shop!"
noMoney: "&cYou do not have enough money to create a shop! You need at least &o$"
noPermissions: "&cYou do not have permission for this command!"
noPlayerFound: "&cPlayer cannot be found!"
noPlayerShop: "&cPlayer name does not exist! Cannot list player shop!"
noRemoteManage: "&cRemote management of shops has been disabled!"
noRemoteShops: "&cRemote shopping has been disabled!"
normalShop: "%player%'s Shop #%id"
noShopFound: "&cNo shop can be found!"
noShopStock: "&cCannot access stock because you do not have any shops!"
noStock: "&cThis shop is currently out of stock of that item(s)!"
noStockNotify: "&cOne of your shops is currently out of stock! &o(%s)"
page: "Page"
playerInventoryFull: "&cYour inventory is FULL! Cannot buy any items!"
playerShopCreated: "&7Shop has been &aCREATED&7 for&a %p &7!"
reload: "&7Configuration file reloaded."
sell: "&7%p has bought&7&c %in &7for&a %out&7!"
sellTitle: "ITEMS FOR SALE [SLOT 1]"
sellTitle2: "ITEMS FOR SALE [SLOT 2]"
shopBusy: "&6Shop is currently busy, try again soon!"
shopCreated: "&7Targeted shop has been &aCREATED&7!"
shopDeleted: "&7Targeted shop has been &cDELETED&7!"
shopIDDeleted: "&cShop id&a %id &chas been DELETED!"
shopIntegerError: "&cShop id must be an integer greater than 0!"
shopLimit: "&cYou do not have permission or have reached your shop limit!"
shopNotOwned: "&cYou do not own this shop!"
stockCommandDisabled: "&cThe /shop stock command has been disabled!"
stockTitle: "Shop Stock Inventory"
targetMismatch: "&cTargeted block must match set shop block!"
clickManage: "&eMANAGE"
clickShop: "&eSHOP"
listAdminShop: "&6Listing all found admin shops:"
noAdminShopsFound: "&cNo admin shops have been found!"
noShopBlock: "&cshopBlock cannot be empty! Reverting to default minecraft:barrel"
noStockBlock: "&cstockBlock cannot be empty! Reverting to default minecraft:composter"
notPlayer: "&cOnly players in the game can use shop commands!"
shopListTitle: "Shops List"
shopNumber: "%player shop #%id"
shopListDisabled: "&cShops list has been disabled!"
adminShopNumber: "Admin shop #%id"
noStockButton: "&cItem(s) out of stock!"
stockIntegerError: "&cStock page must be an integer greater than 0!"
soldClear: "&6Sold shop items list has been&c cleared"
soldCommandDisabled: "&cShop sold command has been disabled"
soldHeader: "&6Sold items while offline or last server restart (Page %p):"
soldIntegerError: "&cSold page must be an integer greater than 0!"
soldJoinNotify: "&6Type &a/shop sold&6 to see sold items or use &a/shop sold clear"
soldNothing: "&cNo shop trades found while offline or since server restart"
soldPages: "&7Page %p"
soldPagesNext: " &7>> &6Next"
soldPagesPrevious: "&6Previous &7<< "
disabledWorld: "&cCreating shops in the world you are in has been disabled!"
listOutOfStock: "&6Listing shops out of stock:"
notOutOfStock: "&aNo shops found that are out of stock!"
outOfStock: "&6Shop&a #%shop Row %row &6is out of stock"
outOfStockRange: "&cYou are too far away from your shop(s) to access stock inventory!"
countAmount: "&aTotal amount of %item found: %amount"
countEmpty: "&cCannot find any %item in stock inventory!"
countError: "&cGiven item to search stock for does not exist!"
outsideRegion: "&cCannot create shop outside of ishop region!"
noClaimPermission: "&cYou do not have permission in this claim to create a shop!"
pageSkipAhead: "5 Pages >>"
pageSkipPrev: "<< 5 Pages"
removedAllPlayer: "&6Removed&c %shops &6shop(s) for player:&c %p"
shopCreatedLoc: "&7Shop has been &aCREATED&7 for&a %p &7at &a%x &7/&a %y &7/&a %z &7in &a%w&7!"
shopDeletedLoc: "&7Shop has been &cDELETED&7 for&a %p &7at &a%x &7/&a %y &7/&a %z &7in &a%w&7!"
shopLocationErrorNum: "&cLocation coordinates must be a positive or negative number!"
shopLocationErrorWorld: "&cLocation coordinates must be in a valid world!"
noPermissionToCreateShop: "&cYou do not have permission to create a shop at this location!"
cooldownMessageFind: "&6You must wait &c%time second(s) &6before using find command again!"
findError: "&cGiven item to search shops for does not exist!"
listFind: "&6Listing all found shop(s) trading &a%item&6:"
nolistFind: "&cNo shop(s) have been found!"
shopMoved: "&6Shop &a#%id &6has been moved to new targeted location!"
# Do not edit this!
configVersion: 3.11