iShop icon

iShop -----

Item trading shops with unique GUI! Easy to use & configure!


  • iShop is continued development of Trading Shops GUI Free plugin created by Chistian95, as TradingShops has been discontinued
  • More features, item slots, fixes, optimizations, and config options!
  • Previous TradingShops databases will continue to work automatically if placed in iShop plugin folder (always backup files/database before attempting), but config.yml delete and regeneration required!
  • Unique shop GUI that will only trade items, cannot use money/currency
  • iShop v2.15+ only supports Minecraft 1.17+ versions, previous Minecraft versions may use v2.14 or below at your own risk
  • Bedrock players via Geyser plugin now compatible with any characters within username
  • Bedrock players must use Classic UI Profile in Video Settings for GUI to match Java
  • 2 item slots to trade or sell with, 4 total!
  • 5 rows of item trades per shop
  • List every shop in the server within GUI using /shop shops
  • Shop list will show owner player heads with skin and shop id number
  • Stock Inventory can now be accessed by clicking chest item in Shop GUI if enableStockAccessFromShopGUI is true
  • Shops with items out of stock can be listed with command /shop out
  • Easy to setup, use, and configure!
  • SQLite database used for saving shops and stock
  • Delay loading of shops database to any amount of time! Useful if custom worlds or other plugins take time to load during server startup
  • All known and reported dupes/bugs have been fixed, making this plugin very secure and reliable!
  • Clickable MANAGE & SHOP text when using /shop list to manage or remotely shop
  • Clickable Previous & Next text when using /shop sold to view missed shop messages
  • Only shop owners or ishop.admin can place/break item frames or signs on shop blocks! Sneaking (holding shift key) required to place but not break
  • Highly customizable options and messages in configuration file
  • If shopBlock and stockBlock are identical in config, shop GUI will open if enableShopBlock is true
  • You are able to set an unlimited amount of blocks as shop or stock GUI blocks
  • Set a range limit from shops that players must be within to access stock inventory
  • Disable creating shops with worlds listed in config!
  • Disable trading of listed items in shops (including within shulkers & bundles)
  • Shop block will activate GUI if left or right clicked
  • Stock block will activate GUI only if left clicked! Blocks like composters, ender chest, or anything usable can still be used and also be a stock block!
  • Stock blocks can only be destroyed if sneaking (holding shift key)
  • Restrict stock inventory to only active items being traded in players shops
  • Prevent players from creating duplicate trades
  • Admins are able to remotely manage player shops and stock
  • Admin shops have broadcast option in GUI that will display shop purchases in chat
  • Players will receive a message if they are online and someone tries to buy an out of stock item!
  • If enableShopSoldMessage is true, shop owners can type /shop sold for missed shop messages
  • Shop sold messages will clear on server restart or using /shop sold clear
  • Items can be put into a shulker box and traded to accommodate more item trading while saving shop space!
  • Disable shop or stock blocks in config and only use commands instead!
  • Item frames and items within will be protected from explosions, signs are not protected
  • Config option to control if players cannot access stock GUI unless they have at least 1 shop setup
  • Supports GriefPrevention & WorldGuard!
  • If enableWorldGuardFlag is set to true in the config, create a region with WorldGuard and set the flag ishop to allow users to create a shop in that region
How to use iShop

  • To create a shop, target an available shop block (barrel by default) and type /shop create
  • To delete a shop, target desired shop block and type /shop delete
  • Stock your shops with items by left clicking on stock block (composter by default) or if enabled type /shop stock
  • To list your shops with location and id, type /shop list
  • To manage your shops if remoteManage is set to true, type /shop manage <id>
  • You can also manage your shops by left or right clicking any of your own shops
  • To create an admin shop that does not need stock, target an available shop block and type /shop adminshop
  • If /shop command is being used by another plugin, you are able to use /ishop instead
  • Admins can create shops for players that will always bypass max shop limit by typing /shop createshop <player>
Steps to create trades for your shop:
  1. Left or Right click on your shop block or if enabled type /shop manage <id>
  2. Click on green create item (lime dye)
  3. Drag the items YOU WANT TO SELL to the left slots and drag back to your inventory
  4. Drag PRICE FOR YOUR ITEMS to the right slots and drag back to inventory
  5. Click on green create item (lime dye)
Remove trades by clicking on TNT delete item!

General Commands:
/shop copy <id> -- creates a shop that will copy the trades of given shop id
/shop count <item> -- count amount of given item in stock inventory
/shop create -- Creates player shop at the targeted location
/shop delete -- Deletes shop at the targeted location
/shop deleteid <id> -- Deletes a shop you own with the given id number
/shop find <item> -- Search all player shops for given item that is for sale
/shop findbook <enchantment> -- Search all player shops for given enchantment that is for sale
/shop list -- Shows list of your shops with location
/shop manage <id> -- Manage your player shop with given id if remoteManage is true
/shop move <id> -- Move given shop id to a new targeted location
/shop out -- List shops with rows and items that are out of stock
/shop stock <page> -- Manage your own stock remotely if enableStockCommand is true
/shop shops -- List every shop in the server with owner player head skins and shop id number
/shop sold <page/clear> -- Show missed shop messages with optional page or clear them
/shop view <id> -- View a players shop remotely if remoteShopping is true

Admin Commands:
/shop adminshop -- Creates an admin shop that does not require stock at the targeted location
/shop createlocation <player> <x> <y> <z> <world> -- Create shop for a player at given location and world. Console can use this command
/shop createshop <player> -- Create shop for given player at targeted location bypassing any shop limits
/shop delete -- Deletes shop at the targeted location
/shop deleteid <id> -- Deletes shop with given id number. Console can use this command
/shop deletelocation <x> <y> <z> <world> -- Delete shop at given location and world. Console can use this command
/shop list <player> -- Shows a list of given players shops with location
/shop listadmin -- Shows list of admin shops
/shop manage <id> -- Remotely manage players shop with given id
/shop managestock <player> <page> -- Remotely manage stock of given player
/shop out <player> -- List shops with rows and items that are out of stock for given player
/shop reload -- Reload plugin configuration file. Console can use this command
/shop removeallshops <player> -- Remove all shops of given player

ishop.admin -- Allows use of admin commands and access
ishop.bypassfindcooldown -- Bypass find command cooldown timer
ishop.create -- Allows players to create a shop if usePermissions is set to true
ishop.create.limit.bypass -- Allows players to bypass shop limit
ishop.create.limit.n -- Replace n with number desired as max shop limit; i.e. ishop.create.limit.5
ishop.find -- Allows use of /shop find <item> command
ishop.list -- Allows use of /shop list <player> command
ishop.move -- Allows use of /shop move <id> command
ishop.pages.n -- Replace n with number desired as stock page limit for player (must be less than or equal to maxStockPages); i.e. ishop.pages.10
ishop.remotemanage -- Allows use of /shop manage <id> command
ishop.remoteshopping -- Allows use /shop view <id> command
ishop.shops -- Allows use of /shop shops command
ishop.stock -- Allows use of /shop stock command bypassing any restrictions

If usePermissions is set to false, all players can create shops up to defaultShopLimit set in config

Optional Dependencies

  • GriefPrevention -- Check claim permissions upon creation for shop location
  • Lands -- Check for BLOCK_PLACE flag at target location upon creation for shop
  • SuperiorSkyblock2 -- Check for Build privilege at target location upon creation for shop
  • Towny -- Check for build permission and shop plot type at targeted location upon creation for shop
  • Vault -- To add a price for "/shop create" command
  • WorldGuard -- To create regions for shops
Configuration File
  • Config file automatically updates to latest version when updating plugin jar file!
  • Config regeneration still recommended for updated comments!
# iShop -
# The block you want to open the shop GUI
# Shop GUI will be activated only by left or right click

shopBlock: 'minecraft:barrel'

# The block you want to open the stock GUI
# Stock GUI will be activated only by left clicking

stockBlock: 'minecraft:composter'

# Allows the use of shop blocks. Setting to false will disable players using specified shop block to open shop GUI
# WARNING: Setting to false will allow breaking of existing shop blocks without deleting shop!

enableShopBlock: true

# Enable more than 1 shop block adding unlimited blocks listed below if true
# WARNING: Removing previously set blocks from this list will allow breaking of existing shop blocks without deleting shop!

multipleShopBlocks: false
- minecraft:chest
- minecraft:crafting_table

# Allows the use of stock blocks. Setting to false will disable players using specified stock block to open stock GUI
enableStockBlock: true

# Enable more than 1 stock block adding unlimited blocks listed below if true
multipleStockBlocks: false
- minecraft:ender_chest
- minecraft:jukebox

# Disable trading of listed items below if true
disabledItems: false

# Disable creating shops in worlds listed below if true
disableShopInWorld: false
- world_nether
- world_the_end

# This enables admin shops that don't need stock. Created by typing /shop adminshop, requires ishop.admin permission
enableAdminShop: true

# Set player head for admin shops when listing using UUID. Default is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
adminPlayerHeadShops: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

# Enable clickable chest item in self owned shop gui that will access stock
enableStockAccessFromShopGUI: true

# Allows players to access the stock GUI by typing /shop stock
# Players with ishop.stock permission will bypass if disabled

enableStockCommand: true

# Number of default stock pages to have in the stock GUI
stockPages: 5

# Maximum number of stock pages to have in the stock GUI if usePermissions is set to true
maxStockPages: 10

# Enable sending of messages when players have purchased or sold item(s) from shops
enableShopNotifications: true

# Enable sending of missed sold item(s) from shops by using command /shop sold
enableShopSoldMessage: true

# Enable saving ALL shop sold messages instead of only messages while player is offline
enableSavingAllShopSoldMessages: true

# Enable sending of message when player connects if items have been sold while offline
enableSoldNotificationOnJoin: true

# Only send sold notification 1 time when players first connects until they use /shop sold clear or server restarts
onlyNotifySoldOnceUntilClear: true

# Delay time in seconds after connecting to notify player of '/shop sold'
soldNotificationsDelayTime: 5

# Automatically clear shop sold list when player reaches end of list
autoClearSoldListOnLast: false

# Enable sending of messages to shop owners if item(s) are out of stock when players try to purchase
enableOutOfStockMessages: true

# Time in seconds before shop owner receives another message about being out of stock when someone tries to buy item(s)
noStockCooldown: 300

# Require player to own at least 1 shop to access stock
mustOwnShopForStock: true

# Amount of money needed to create a shop
# Set to 0 to disable

createCost: 0.0

# Amount of money returned when deleting a shop
# Set to 0 to disable

returnAmount: 0.0

# Amount of days a player is inactive before deleting their shops
# Set to 0 to disable

maxInactiveDays: 0

# List of player UUID's that will be exempt from shops expiring if maxInactiveDays is set above 0
- 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

# Remove block that the shop is located at when deleting or moving a shop
deleteBlock: false

# Show particle effects on active shop blocks
showParticles: true

# Required to set the ishop flag in the regions for it to work
# Only works if WorldGuard is installed

enableWorldGuardFlag: false

# Set whether you want to use permission nodes or not
# Setting to false will allow any player to create a shop up to defaultShopLimit
# Set to true if you have a permission plugin

usePermissions: false

# Only works if usePermissions is set to false
# If it's set to true, then you'll need to edit the limit via permission nodes for example; ishop.create.limit.5
# Set to -1 to disable shop limit

defaultShopLimit: 5

# Allow everyone to remotely manage their own player shops using "/shop manage <id>" command
remoteManage: true

# Allow everyone to use "/shop view <id>" command to view other players shop remotely
remoteShopping: true

# Allow everyone to use "/shop list <player>" command to view full list of given players shops with location
publicListCommand: false

# Allow everyone to use "/shop shops" command to view all found player shops
publicShopListCommand: true

# This will show admin shops when using "/shop shops" -- Requires server restart if config option changed!
adminShopPublic: true

# Setting this to false will hide shops that player owns when using command "/shop shops"
publicShopListShowsOwned: true

# Allow shop owners and admins to place item frames and signs on shop blocks when sneaking
placeItemFrameSigns: true

# Setting to true will protect shop blocks from explosions
protectShopBlocksFromExplosions: true

# Delay loading of shops database in seconds. This is useful if you have shops in custom worlds that take time to load during server startup
# WARNING: During load delay time, shop & stock blocks will NOT be protected! Default is 0 for no delay

shopsDatabaseLoadDelay: 0

# Set a range limit stock block(s) must be within player owned shop block(s) distance to access stock inventory
# Default is 0 for disabled

stockRangeLimitFromShop: 0

# Set to true if you would like '/shop stock' command range limit to be enforced using stockRangeLimitFromShop distance
stockRangeLimitUsingCommand: false

# This will only allow items that are in active shop trades to be added and stored in stock inventory
strictStock: false

# Prevent players from creating duplicate item trades within each shop they own
preventDuplicates: true

# Prevent players from creating duplicate item trades from any shop they own
preventAllDuplicates: false

# Save shops with no trades to database on server shutdown
saveEmptyShops: true

# Save shops and stock to database interval in minutes. Database will auto save upon server shutdown. Default is every 15 minutes
saveDatabase: 15

# When a player with iShop.admin permission uses command createshop and is not a server operator, skip checking for permission within GriefPrevention, Lands, SuperiorSkyblock2, Towny, and WorldGuard

skipPermsCheckForAdminCreateShop: true

# Allow everyone to use "/shop find <item>" command to search all player shops that are selling given item
publicFindCommand: true

# Time in seconds players must wait to use find command again. Set to 0 to disable
findCommandCooldown: 5

# Allow everyone to use '/shop move' command to move their shops to a new location
publicMoveCommand: true

# Change the particle effect (requires server restart) for shops to any Enum Constant Particle found at
shopParticles: "villager_happy"

# Customizable Messages
adminShop: "Admin Shop #%id"
adminShopDisabled: "&cAdmin shops have been disabled!"
broadcastOff: "Broadcast OFF"
broadcastOn: "Broadcast ON"
buy: "&7You bought&a %in &7for&c %out&7!"
buyAction: "BUY"
buyTitle2: "PRICE TO BUY ITEMS [SLOT 2]"
createShopTitle: "Create shop trades!"
createTitle: "CREATE"
deleteTitle: "DELETE"
disabledShopBlock: "&cCannot create shop location when shop blocks are disabled!"
existingShop: "&cCannot create shop where existing shop is already located!"
foundShops: "&6Found&a %shops &6shop(s) for player:&a %p"
location: "&6Shop&a %id &6location XYZ: "
noItems: "&cYou do not have enough item(s) to buy from this shop!"
noMoney: "&cYou do not have enough money to create a shop! You need at least &o$"
noPermissions: "&cYou do not have permission for this command!"
noPlayerFound: "&cPlayer cannot be found!"
noPlayerShop: "&cPlayer name does not exist! Cannot list player shop!"
noRemoteManage: "&cRemote management of shops has been disabled!"
noRemoteShops: "&cRemote shopping has been disabled!"
normalShop: "%player%'s Shop #%id"
noShopFound: "&cNo shop can be found!"
noShopStock: "&cCannot access stock because you do not have any shops!"
noStock: "&cThis shop is currently out of stock of that item(s)!"
noStockNotify: "&cOne of your shops is currently out of stock! &o(%s)"
page: "Page"
playerInventoryFull: "&cYour inventory is FULL! Cannot buy any items!"
playerShopCreated: "&7Shop has been &aCREATED&7 for&a %p &7!"
reload: "&7Configuration file reloaded."
sell: "&7%p has bought&7&c %in &7for&a %out&7!"
sellTitle: "ITEMS FOR SALE [SLOT 1]"
sellTitle2: "ITEMS FOR SALE [SLOT 2]"
shopBusy: "&6Shop is currently busy, try again soon!"
shopCreated: "&7Targeted shop has been &aCREATED&7!"
shopDeleted: "&7Targeted shop has been &cDELETED&7!"
shopIDDeleted: "&cShop id&a %id &chas been DELETED!"
shopIntegerError: "&cShop id must be an integer greater than 0!"
shopLimit: "&cYou do not have permission or have reached your shop limit!"
shopNotOwned: "&cYou do not own this shop!"
stockCommandDisabled: "&cThe /shop stock command has been disabled!"
stockTitle: "Shop Stock Inventory"
targetMismatch: "&cTargeted block must match set shop block!"
clickManage: "&eMANAGE"
clickShop: "&eSHOP"
listAdminShop: "&6Listing all found admin shops:"
noAdminShopsFound: "&cNo admin shops have been found!"
noShopBlock: "&cshopBlock cannot be empty! Reverting to default minecraft:barrel"
noStockBlock: "&cstockBlock cannot be empty! Reverting to default minecraft:composter"
notPlayer: "&cOnly players in the game can use shop commands!"
shopListTitle: "Shops List"
shopNumber: "%player shop #%id"
shopListDisabled: "&cShops list has been disabled!"
adminShopNumber: "Admin shop #%id"
noStockButton: "&cItem(s) out of stock!"
stockIntegerError: "&cStock page must be an integer greater than 0!"
soldClear: "&6Sold shop items list has been&c cleared"
soldCommandDisabled: "&cShop sold command has been disabled"
soldHeader: "&6Sold items while offline or last server restart (Page %p):"
soldIntegerError: "&cSold page must be an integer greater than 0!"
soldJoinNotify: "&6Type &a/shop sold&6 to see sold items or use &a/shop sold clear"
soldNothing: "&cNo shop trades found while offline or since server restart"
soldPages: "&7Page %p"
soldPagesNext: " &7>> &6Next"
soldPagesPrevious: "&6Previous &7<< "
disabledWorld: "&cCreating shops in the world you are in has been disabled!"
listOutOfStock: "&6Listing shops out of stock:"
notOutOfStock: "&aNo shops found that are out of stock!"
outOfStock: "&6Shop&a #%shop Row %row &6is out of stock"
outOfStockRange: "&cYou are too far away from your shop(s) to access stock inventory!"
countAmount: "&aTotal amount of %item found: %amount"
countEmpty: "&cCannot find any %item in stock inventory!"
countError: "&cGiven item to search stock for does not exist!"
outsideRegion: "&cCannot create shop outside of ishop region!"
noClaimPermission: "&cYou do not have permission in this claim to create a shop!"
pageSkipAhead: "5 Pages >>"
pageSkipPrev: "<< 5 Pages"
removedAllPlayer: "&6Removed&c %shops &6shop(s) for player:&c %p"
shopCreatedLoc: "&7Shop has been &aCREATED&7 for&a %p &7at &a%x &7/&a %y &7/&a %z &7in &a%w&7!"
shopDeletedLoc: "&7Shop has been &cDELETED&7 for&a %p &7at &a%x &7/&a %y &7/&a %z &7in &a%w&7!"
shopLocationErrorNum: "&cLocation coordinates must be a positive or negative number!"
shopLocationErrorWorld: "&cLocation coordinates must be in a valid world!"
noPermissionToCreateShop: "&cYou do not have permission to create a shop at this location!"
cooldownMessageFind: "&6You must wait &c%time second(s) &6before using find command again!"
findError: "&cGiven item to search shops for does not exist!"
listFind: "&6Listing all found shop(s) trading &a%item&6:"
nolistFind: "&cNo shop(s) have been found!"
shopMoved: "&6Shop &a#%id &6has been moved to new targeted location!"

# Do not edit this!
configVersion: 3.11
Official iShop Test Server
  • Connect to and type /tpshop
  • Please visit our sponsor for Ryzen 9 5950X Minecraft Server Hosting!
Help and Support

Remember -- I cannot help you with any issues, feature requests, or questions in the reviews section, since you can't reply to my review response. Reviews are not for support; the support communication methods are listed above!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,318
First Release: Oct 7, 2020
Last Update: Jul 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings