Fix GriefPrevention claim check to make sure players that do not have permission within the claim will not be allowed to create a shop
- Add config message if player does not have access to create a shop within GriefPrevention claim
- Console can now use
deleteid command - Add error messages and skip loading from database if shop location or world is null with backup recommendation
- Add
ishop.remotemanage permission which will allow player to manage their shop remotely by using command /shop manage <id>
- Add
ishop.remoteshopping permission which will allow player to view other players shop remotely by using command /shop view <id>
- Add
ishop.list permission which will allow player to view full list of given players shop with location by using command /shop list <player>
- Add
ishop.shops permission which will allow player to view all found player shops with player head in GUI by using command /shop shops
- Add feature of
skipping forward/backward 5 pages within stock inventory with configurable message if stockPages set to
10 or above - Add GriefPrevention-16.17.1 as soft-dependency
- Update soft-dependency WorldEdit to 7.2.9
- Update config version to 3.3