Allows you to enter commands to view a player's inventory
C O M M A N D S:
Code (Text):
/inventorysettings or isettings
Config.yml (Maybe not the new one)
Code (Text):
# Whether to enable the save backpack function
enabled: true
# Mode selection
# - all: All worlds save backpacks
# - whitelist: whitelist mode, only the specified world saves the backpack
# - blacklist: Blacklist mode, the specified world does not save backpacks
mode: whitelist
# List of specific worlds
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# Whether to enable people with specific permissions to reserve specific slots
KeepSlotsEnabled: false
# See player backpack settings
SeePlayerInventoryTitle: "&a%player%'s &ebackpack"
SeePlayerInventorySize: 54 # You can set any figure, ( MinecraftServer 1.9+ use 54 or 9 size
Code (Text):
inventorysettings.keepslot.[0-infinitely] # If a player has access to a certain number of inventory slots, the item in that slot will not despawn even if they die
inventorysettings.keepslot.* Allow a player to die in all inventory slots
inventorysettings.reload # Allow someone to send reload command.
inventorysettings.see# Allow someone to send see command.