- changed version check to never break between new version
- fixed bypass to allowing for cracked servers to use this plugin (won't explain how)
I only updated this to fix a cracked server exploit, which is being done to all my plugins. There will still be no more updates as i have personally decided to merge this with another one of my plugins that is private, so i have no desire to return to this. Not to mention how awful the code is.
- plugin should now work with bungeecord-linked servers. I still don't support bungeecord, but they should be able to work on them
- dropped 1.19.2 support
- added 1.19.3 support
- plugin.yml changes
This will likely be the final release of this plugin, as I won't be using it on my server anymore.
There was a bug where the plugin wouldn't work at all if you aren't on 1.18.2
I know i don't support older versions, but forcing the plugin to not work on unsupported versions is just plain stupid and idk why anyone would want to do that. There are still no guarantees that it'll work, and you'll still get no support, but the plugin may work now for older versions!
No other changes were made. If you're on 1.18.2 you don't have to update. It has no effect on you.
- players who were offline when warned are now alerted when rejoining
- you can now execute commands on a given warn count! Manage them with /adminwarn commands
- added a version checker and updater so you don't have to manually update data files! (But manual edits are better!)
THIS IS LIKELY THE LAST CONTENT UPDATE FOR INGOTWARN!!!! We will focus only on bug fixes and updating to the newest minecraft versions. But feel free to leave suggestions, and maybe we'll add them!