IngotBridges icon

IngotBridges -----

A simple bridges plugin utilizing IngotMinigamesAPI.

IngotBridges is a bridges plugin designed to take advantage of IngotMinigamesAPI. It's designed specifically for the BudderCraft minecraft server but has plenty of options to configure, so it can fit your own needs!

- fully confirgurable language.yml, complete with all messages used by the plugin!
- randomly join matches, along with tables to filter out certain arenas
- allow multiple kits
- disable bridges + targets for teams not playing
- team support
- leaderboards
- and many more!

You'll need INGOTMINIGAMESAPI to use this! Link:

============Ingot MC Plugins ============
Ingot MC Plugins are dedicated to being as simple and optimized as possible, without cutting out essential features. No more should you have to use plugins that are several megabytes in size, or take up so much CPU usage or RAM. IMC plugins will always be made to be as efficient as reasonably possible. We also believe ALL public plugins should be free and open source. We won't ever charge a dime for anything. Due to Github being unable to auto-extract zip files and place them accordingly, making updating code take an eternity, we do not upload our source code there. Please visit our discord to obtain it. However, THERE ARE SOME IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE:

- 1. IMC PLUGINS WILL NEVER SUPPORT OUTDATED VERSIONS OF MINECRAFT!!!!!! We will always run the latest mc version whenever possible. This is done for 2 major reasons: 1. Its a waste of time to develop for other versions. 2. Plugins like ViaVersion/Backwards/Rewind exist. If you want to run an older minecraft server, ALWAYS use the latest version with those plugins. All support requests for users not using the latest MC version will be denied. If you are running one of the mentioned plugins above, support requests will only be accepted if they can be reproduced without them. However, we will not disable our plugins on outdated versions, so if they work, they work. We also compile in the latest Java version (currently 19), as that's just common practice.
- 2. ONLY SPIGOT AND PAPER ARE SUPPORTED!!!!!!! That means no bungeecord support, however this will likely change in the future. Plugins should be able to detect bungeecord-linked servers and will run on them, but i won't support users of bungeecord. And while we will still accept support requests from other spigot forks, we will only do so if they can be replicated in Spigot/Paper. There's a lot of forks out there and it can be hard to keep track.
- 3. OFFLINE SERVERS WILL FORCE OUR PLUGINS TO BE DISABLED!!!!!!!! This is done to protect both server owners and our plugins. There is no reason ANYONE should be running a genuine offline-mode server, outside of testing purposes. You can easily get hacked into due to no authentication, so to encourage you not to be an idiot and run one of these servers, we will disable all of our plugins. Please, don't ever run an offline mode server. Bungeecord users don't have to fear, as this check will allow bungee-mode enabled servers to run.
- 4. DO NOT ASK FOR SUPPORT THROUGH REVIEWS OR LEAVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW WITHOUT CONTACTING SUPPORT AND GETTING A FINISHED RESPONSE!!!!!! We cannot fix issues through revies, as there is no way for you to reply. please use our Discord (preferred) or the discussion tab. Also, don't leave us a review without first contacting us AND receiving a finished response. Odds are, your issues can be fixed, assuming you aren't breaking any of the above three terms. It's very discouraging to plugin makers to leave reviews without following these steps.
- 5. IMC PLUGINS ARE MADE SPECIFICALLY FOR THE BUDDERCRAFT MINECRAFT SERVER!!!!!!! This means features will only be added if they will benefit the server. However, (unless it breaks these terms), we may add in requested feature that won't be utilized on the server if the demand is high enough.

This is all we have to say! Remember to join our Discord and we hope you enjoy using our software!

Also join the BudderCraft Minecraft Server to see our plugins in action!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 97
First Release: Jun 29, 2023
Last Update: Jun 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings