- Added multi-line system-motds & random system-motds.
- You can have maximum 100 system-motds.
You need to put this config instead your old config!!!
Or you can just simple to 1.Stop your server; 2.Remove old config; 3.Start the server.
Code (Text):
# Variables for ingame-text: %name%,%world-name%,%players%,%gamemode%,%ip-address%,%item-in-hand% !
# Variables for system-text: COMING SOON !
# If random: true, the system-motds will be shown randomly !
# Here are the 2 of the MOTDS, ingame and system !
ingame-text: '&9Welcome to the &4server&f! '
- '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD ,&9 EXAMPLE:&21'
- '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD ,&9 EXAMPLE:&22'
- '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD ,&9 EXAMPLE:&23'
- '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD ,&9 EXAMPLE:&24'
- '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD ,&9 EXAMPLE:&25'
random: false
Prefix: '&e[&2&lMOTD&e]&f '
NoPermission: '&4You dont have permission to do this!'
SpecifyMessage: '&7Please specify a message!'
ReloadConfig: '&bConfig has been reloaded!'
ConfigReset: '&bConfig has been reset!'
IngameSET: '&dIN-GAME MOTD set to: '
SystemSET: '&dSYSTEM MOTD set to: '
JoinMSG: '&e-name- has joined the game.'
QuitMSG: '&e-name- has quit the game.'