InfoHeads | Block to Command Solution [EASY] icon

InfoHeads | Block to Command Solution [EASY] -----

Block to commands, but with more features

Hello, changes are as follows:

Functional changes:
Non-functional changes:
  • Setup (partial) dependency injection to help with future development and try to decouple some functionality from its implementation detail.
  • Linting - setup sonarlint to use as guidance to maintain clean code.

Please let me know of any other bug reports / feature requests.
----------, Jan 24, 2025

Hi all, thank you for your continued support on InfoHeads. As mentioned in a previous update, InfoHeads is modularizing itself so it can run on more server software e.g. Spigot, Folia, Sponge etc.
This is the first BETA of the new changes. Therefore, please expect some minor bugs that I'll work to fix as they arise.

Now, old versions are considered LEGACY.
v.2.4.3 will be the last and final version that supports all versions.
Upon updating from LEGACY to this version, a converter will run if you have a datastore.json file. This is not perfect but is a means to help with converting if you wish to use the "new" InfoHeads. If you run into any issues with conversions, please choose from the following options:
- Re-run the converter (by ensuring you have a file named datastore.json)
- Delete your InfoHeads folder and allow the new version to generate for you.
- Continue using legacy versions. They are stable, but no longer will receive any support.

Thank you for understanding. Let's hope this change comes across well.
----------, Jul 20, 2024

Hi all, thank you for your continued support on InfoHeads. As mentioned in a previous update, InfoHeads is modularizing itself so it can run on more server software e.g. Spigot, Folia, Sponge etc.
This is the first BETA of the new changes. Therefore, please expect some minor bugs that I'll work to fix as they arise.

Now, old versions are considered LEGACY.
v.2.4.3 will be the last and final version that supports all versions.
Upon updating from LEGACY to this version, a converter will run if you have a datastore.json file. This is not perfect but is a means to help with converting if you wish to use the "new" InfoHeads. If you run into any issues with conversions, please choose from the following options:
- Re-run the converter (by ensuring you have a file named datastore.json)
- Delete your InfoHeads folder and allow the new version to generate for you.
- Continue using legacy versions. They are stable, but no longer will receive any support.

Thank you for understanding. Let's hope this change comes across well.
----------, Jul 20, 2024

Change Log
Implements 1.20.6 support.

Being Transparent
In future, support for any version that is not latest will be dropped.
This is because the internals of the plugin will be getting an adjustment to support different server versions (paper, fabric etc) and, to speed up iterations of features within the plugin and versioning updates.

From a development perspective, this means dropping a few dependencies - which will in turn reduce the size of the software and remove reliance on library updates to support new versions.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved please feel free to get in contact via the github link.
----------, Jun 11, 2024

InfoHeads - 2.4.2
Hello everyone!
In this update we are introducing small fixes.
We suggest to update to this version.

InfoHeads 2.4.2 important changes:

  • Updated dependencies
  • Fixed updater
Thanks to everyone for using InfoHeads. Hope you and your players will enjoy this new update.

See you soon
~ Lorenzo
----------, Aug 19, 2022

Various internal changes​
----------, Nov 14, 2021

Fixed the Messages auto updater.​
----------, Jul 28, 2021

Now you can edit all plugin messages and inventories.
----------, Jul 22, 2021

  • Added Shift+RightClick to edit head
  • Added /infoheads create to create an head at the bloock that you're looking
  • Added heads name
  • Added /infoheads list
----------, Jul 9, 2021

  • Added Shift+LeftClick to remove head
  • Fixed some little issues
  • Added 1.17 support
----------, Jun 18, 2021

  • Added One Time Item​
  • Fixed item to remove time on the Cooldown Gui​
----------, May 27, 2021

Minor Change
  • The 'no permission' message can now be altered within the messages.yml file by adding path 'no-permission: "your text" '
----------, May 3, 2021

Celebrating 2000 downloads!

On a last note, thank you to everybody who has downloaded the plugin, shared it to friends and given support through pointing out issues, making suggestions and/or submitting pull requests. Slowly, this plugin has become very stable for small to medium sized servers without initialising lag or producing any errors. Please continue to input your suggestions and submit code improvements to help keep the project alive.

Soon, I think I will cleanup the code a little further if I manage to find some time as I've learnt a few more concepts within the language and maybe even implement some Scala as I'm learning that too! (Probably not though). I'm going to aim to keep the project as contribute-able as possible so the plugin can keep improving despite my limited time.

Thank you!
----------, Feb 3, 2021

- [x] Rerouted command /infoheads to execute /infoheads help (thus removing the invalid command message)
- [x] Removed infoheads conversion command from old versions to new.
- [x] Improved codebase
- [x] Pushed Wiki and improved to centralised wiki (More to be added soon)
----------, Dec 29, 2020

Mini Update
- Improved Multiverse World recognition when saving infoheads to file.
----------, Oct 18, 2020

Hot Fix!
  • Fix: Accidentally shaded in the HDB API which led to the hook not always functioning as expected and becoming unpredictable.
----------, Jun 12, 2020

Hot Fix!
It's that time again! Another update and another oops.
  • Accidentally overwrote the BlockParticles Gui Item when adding the temp permissions one!!!
----------, Jun 9, 2020

What's New?
  • Big oopsie fix: If someone left half way through an infohead execution (e.g via delay element) it would throw a big error. This was fixed
  • Added a Temp Permission Element. Will give the player a temporary permission when the element is executed and removed at the end (beta)
  • Can now change the cooldown message
  • Execution is now purely via player chat. This should resolve most issues where commands wouldn't execute or be shown as unknown.
----------, Jun 8, 2020

- [x] Fixed issue where plugin would run block particle code even if it wasn't installed!
----------, May 20, 2020

Hot fix!
-[x] Reverted update checker!
----------, May 17, 2020

What's new!
* That darn update checker! Fixed
* Moved plugin download page to releases
----------, May 17, 2020

Hot Fix!
  • Fixed Block Particles not changing to new location on infohead move!
----------, May 15, 2020

What's New?
- [x] Added Block Particles!! Now, if you have BlockParticles installed, infoheads will automatically hook into it, and add an option in the wizard gui.
----------, May 13, 2020

What's New?
- [x] Added a cooldown menu to infoheads.
- [x] Fixed a bug where if after editing an infohead, you used /infoheads reload - it wouldn't save the changes.
- [x] Improved some documentation

Got a feature you'd like adding?
Join the discord page and put it in #infoheads. Link can be found on resource homepage

----------, May 2, 2020

This version moves the infoheads to the new datastore.json file. To convert your old infoheads over, you must run the command /if convert

What's new?
  • Infoheads now stored separate to config & in more efficient .json
  • Editor mode has returned! With this, you can now add, remove and reorganise the ordering of your infoheads! /if edit
  • Due to a high demand feature request, the plugin no longer removes your inventory when giving infoheads & just adds the skulls to your inventory. It also does not remove these after.
  • Infohead json protection. If the file gets destroyed for whatever reason while the server is online, it will automatically regenerate with the values it had before destroyed.
----------, Apr 23, 2020

Fixed issue where delay would not persist between reloads / restarts
----------, Mar 29, 2020

Hot fix!
Accidentally set last version's config-ver to 1. Thus it was producing when trying to convert "old" config as it didn't exist.

Updated to config-ver 2 here.
----------, Mar 29, 2020

Fixed accidental read config before it was updated!!
----------, Mar 29, 2020

What's changed:
Front end:
+ Basic scripting added e.g Run command, wait 5 seconds, print message.
+ New Element types:

  • ConsoleCommand
  • PlayerCommand
  • Message
  • Delay
+ Wizard converted to GUI
+ Wizard now allows for changing block location while in mode
+ Wizard now allows you to place a specific permission on usage.
+ Smaller jar file!

+ Recoded plugin
+ Vastly improved element handling system, via abstraction plugin now iterate through elements faster and with less code!
+ Better data storage system.
+ Added a config converter for people on config-ver: 1
+ Using XMaterials for cross-version compatibility
+ Created a InfoHead Builder with throwable for error catching
+ Improved class naming scheme
+ Started using @ipsyko 's command and gui handler
+ Removed all instances of Guice
+ More stable hook checking
etc.. See src code for more
----------, Mar 29, 2020

[Removed admin join message]
----------, Feb 26, 2020

-[x] Added Update Checker (disable in config)
-[x] Fixed version string from last 1.4.2 build!

Send me your servers with the plugin installed on!
----------, Feb 20, 2020

Send me a pm and I can put your server ip on the resource homepage!
-[x] Added an update checker (Can disable in config)
----------, Feb 20, 2020

-[x] Resolved issue regarding event registry.
-[x] Fixed Incorrect versioning string

----------, Dec 12, 2019

- [x] Thanks to contributor @Andre_601 head database support has been implemented!
- [x] Vault compatibility issue resolved
- [x] Config changes!
It's suggested that you copy config contents, delete config.yml folder. Restart the server and then paste in old contents as new options have been added.d
----------, Dec 10, 2019

- [x] 1.8 InteractEvent error fixed

Dev notes:
- [x] Accidentally switched some code around while updating, leaving the checker for offHand to always return true. Thus executing 1.9+ code in 1.8
----------, Aug 21, 2019

- [x] When the infohead use method is called, timings have been reduced down to roughly 0.009 milliseconds!
- [x] All method calls for isValidLocation have been sped up (overall plugin performance increased).

Dev notes:
- [x] Switched to a HashSet for fast iteration and checks.
- [x] Inventory storage methods are now static for better resource management.
----------, Aug 20, 2019

Update mostly performance
- [x] Head generation is now cleaner and less spammy code
- [x] Edit cmd now uses parent usage error messages
- [x] BlockBreakEvent now much more efficient (Switched permission checking to infohead object checking)
----------, Aug 13, 2019

- [x] Added a new /infoheads edit command

What's next?
- [x] Implement line deletion
- [x] Implement block moves with /infoheads edit block

Dev notes:
- [x] Multiple TODOs to complete
- [x] Need to switch some syntax methods to grab from command
----------, Aug 5, 2019

- [x] Accidentally left some debug messages in the code. On right click it would leave some spam such as "permpassedpermpassed..."

----------, Jul 31, 2019

- [x] Help menu is now more intuitive. /infoheads help [command] for specific command help.
- [x] Vault is no longer required for the plugin to work.

Developer notes:
- [x] Command Handler has been updated ready for the upcoming editing feature.
- [x] Improved initial setup with switch case.
- [x] Plugin now uses Guice for DI.
- [x] A few more things need refining.
----------, Jul 30, 2019

-[x] Fixed config ID replacing some values when you delete the head and then re-create one.
----------, Jul 19, 2019

-[x] Tab completion on sub commands
-[x] Wizard command switched to /if wizard
-[x] Added help menu
-[x] /if delete command & now on breakage of head it's automatically deleted
-[x] Fixed "echoing" on a few commands
-[x] Wizard item give is now Async due to main thread lag
-[x] Wizard mode now asks infinitely, adding lines until told otherwise (multi line support)
-[x] Wizard mode now has quick exit ("cancel")

Developer notes:
-[x] Removed all usage of Lombok
-[x] Moved some fields to private and added respective getters for better usage regulations.
-[x] Some methods now need refining down
----------, Jul 19, 2019

[+] Removed unnecessary event handler storage
[+] Fixed a few warnings
[+] Javadoc comments updated in some places.

----------, Jul 19, 2019

[+] Removed all signs of reflection
[+] Fixed NPE when punching air
[+] Added a /infoheads reload command
[+] Op now has permission to usage by default
[+] Updated plugin page
[+] Cleaned up a few code methods
[+] Added an FAQ and Contributions page
[+] Added PlaceholderAPI Support
[+] Something else was fixed but I can't remember what it was!!!
----------, Jul 18, 2019

- Removed ambiguous method calls
- Removed bad config calls
- Fixed issue where it would print all of the messages
- Ensured it is per world compatible

The plugin's config has been changed. This means you will have to delete your config file and restart the server. I recommend saving your values in another file and copying values over in the new relevant boxes.
----------, Jul 17, 2019

- Plugin.yml edit - Fixed api version error on startup for versions over 1.8
----------, May 5, 2019

Minor bug with permissions fixed
----------, May 5, 2019

Does what it says on the tin.
- Source code link updated.
----------, May 4, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,915
First Release: May 4, 2019
Last Update: Jan 24, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings