More than 30 effects: fall, campfire, block explosion, contant, cramming, custom, dragon breath, entity attack, lava, posion, wither, melting, projectile,
and others 20 more!
Create -> Create custom potions with 1 or more effects
Rgb -> Change the potion color using rgb (0-255)
Reload -> Reload plugin configuration and messages
Code (YAML):
# # Hex support: # # <RAINBOW1> -> Set message with rainbow colors # <SOLID:FF0080> -> Set a hex color in the text # <GRADIENT:2C08BA> -> Set a gradient of colors # # Example # <GRADIENT:2C08BA>Cool string with a gradient</GRADIENT:028A97> # <RAINBOW1>THIS IS A REALLY COOL Rainbow</RAINBOW> # <RAINBOW100>THIS IS A REALLY COOL Rainbow</RAINBOW> # <SOLID:FF0080>Cool RGB SUPPORT
# Messages for the command /ipot format-main: -
"" -
"&9&l ImmunePotion &7- &eby iChoco_Milk" -
"" -
"&d /ipot &6create &e(duration) &6(effects)" - "&7 Example: /ipot 30 POISON FIRE FALL
" - "" - "&d /ipot &6rgb &9
) &c
) &a
)" - "&7 Example
: /ipot rgb 255 255 255
" - "" - "&d /ipot &6name &7text1 text2
..." - "&d /ipot &6lore &7Line1 Line2
..." - "" - "&d /ipot &6
)" - "" rgb-format: "&cExample of format
: &6/ipot rgb &c122 &a21 &9232
" rgb-success: "&eYour potion now have a different &c&lco&a&ll&9&lor
" rgb-invalid-number: "&4&lERROR
: &cA rgb value is from 0 to 255
create-invalid-seconds: "&4&lERROR
: &cThe seconds
%seconds% are invalid. Example of use: &6/ipot create 30 POISON FIRE FALL" create-no-found-immunities: "&cNo immunities found! &7= &cNo potion is created" create-need-free-space: "&4&lERROR: &cYou need be a free space in your inventory" create-immunity-dont-exist: "&cThe immunity %type% don't exist. Skipping to next!" create-success: "&aPotion created! Duration: &e%time%s&a. Effects: &e%effects%" displayname-format: "&cFormat: /ipot name (name). Example: /ipot name &eMy potion :)" displayname-success: "&aThe new name of this item is %name%" lore-format: "&cFormat: /ipot lore (lines...). Example: /ipot name &eLine1 &aLine2 &bLine3" lore-success: "&aThe new lore of this item is %lines%" # Permissions messages no-permission-create: "&4&lERROR: &cYou don't have permission to use &e/ipot create&c. You need the permission \"immunepot.create\
"" no-permission-rgb: "&4&lERROR: &cYou don't have permission to use &6/ipot rgb&c. You need the permission \"immunepot.rgb\
"" no-permission-use: "&4&lERROR: &cYou don't have permission to use &6/ipot&c. You need the permission \"immunepot.cmd\
# General blacklisted-world: "&4You world is blacklisted for consume potions" need-potion-in-hand: "&cYou need have a potion in your hand"
# Plugin internal messages load-message: -
"" -
"&9&l ImmunePotions &7- &eby iChoco_Milk" -
"" -
"&b Plugin loaded in &e%time%ms" -
"" need-be-player: "&4&lERROR: &cYou need be a player to execute this command" reload: "&aPlugin reloaded!"
Code (YAML):
# On consume: blacklist-worlds: # Leave empty for disable -
"myworld1" -
"myworld2" enable-actionbar: true
enable-title: true
How change potion color?: You need use the command /ipot rgb (blue) (green) (red). Example: /ipot rgb 255 255 255 (result in a potion with white color). All rgb colors are available in:
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Modification: Make changes if you need to. Contact me in discord: ichocomilk. And i give you the source code
(please send a capture of the ticket, paypal or other) ❌
Resale: You may
not resell this product or a fork of this.
Relicense: You may
not relicense this product.