/immortality toggle [player] - Toggles Immortality mode for the player.
/immortality list - Lists all players with Immortality mode enabled.
/immortality reload - Reloads the plugin configuration.
immortality.use - Allows the player to use the Immortality command.
immortality.reload - Allows the player to reload the plugin configuration.
immortality.bypass.cooldown - Bypass the cooldown to activate the Immortality mode.
immortality.bypass.health.requirement - Bypasses the health threshold for activating Immortality mode.
immortality.bypass.activation.delay - Bypass the activation delay for activating Immortality mode.
Code (YAML):
enable-cooldown-time: true
cooldown-time: 600
# Cooldown in seconds enable-health-threshold: true
health-threshold: 5.0
# Minimum health required to activate Immortality enable-activation-delay: true
activation-delay: 5
# Delay in seconds enable-environment-restrictions: true
allowed-worlds: ["world",
"world_nether"] allowed-biomes: ["FOREST",
Code (YAML):
ImmortalityEnabled: "&aImmortality is now enabled for you." ImmortalityDisabled: "&cImmortality is now disabled for you." playerNotFound: "&cPlayer not found." reloadSuccess: "&aImmortality configuration reloaded." noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." cooldownActive: "&cYou must wait before reactivating Immortality." healthTooLow: "&cYour health is too low to activate Immortality." activationDelayed: "&eImmortality will activate in %seconds% seconds." environmentRestricted: "&cYou cannot activate Immortality in this environment." ImmortalityListHeader: "&6Players with Immortality enabled:" ImmortalityListEntry: "&7- &e%player%"
Download the latest release of the plugin.
Place the `.jar` file in your server's `plugins` folder.
Start your server to generate the configuration files.
Edit the `config.yml` and `messages.yml` files to your liking.
Reload or restart your server to apply the changes.
How to Use
Toggle Immortality: Use `/immortality toggle [player]` to enable or disable Immortality mode for yourself or another player.
Check Immortality Status: Use `/immortality list` to see all players with Immortality mode enabled.
Reload Configuration: Use `/immortality reload` to reload the plugin's configuration files after making changes.