New features
- Added support for HEX colors (&#RRGGBB)
- Now you can use more than 16 million colors in messages and items
- The &#RRGGBB format is supported (e.g.: &#FF0000 for red)
- Standard color codes (&) still work
Usage examples
In configuration files (config.yml, en.yml, etc.)
- Life Syringe - a new unique item that allows stealing lives from other players
- One-time use tool
- Cannot steal the last life from a player
- Cannot be used on yourself
- Command to give: `/ll give life-stealer <player>`
- Updated and improved translations for all supported languages
Configuration Changes
name: '&c&lLife Syringe'
- '&7Allows stealing one life'
- '&7from another player'
material: STICK
glow: true
New Messages (en.yml)
life-stolen-from: "&cOne life has been stolen from you! Lives remaining: %hearts%"
life-stolen-success: "&aYou stole a life from player %player%! Now you have %hearts% lives"
cannot-steal-last-heart: "&cCannot steal the last life!"
life-stealer-given: "&aYou received a Life Syringe"
cannot-steal-own-heart: "&cYou cannot steal a life from yourself!"
give: "&e/ll give life-stealer <player> &7- Give a life syringe to a player"
Similar changes have been made to all plugin language files.