1.21.3 support
some visibility changes in IGUI
added support for old enums (i.e. banner pattern) that are now classes
hotfix: always cast to ominous bottle
components support
1.20.6 + 1.21 support
merged nbtnexus
ominous bottle serde handler
updated nbtapi, xseries, anvilgui
updated sockets client implementation for global thread pool instead of per client
search gui refreshable via api
1.20.4 support
search gui
fixed reflection getting wrong method for property values
fixed different authlib versions using different method names
updated sockets
updated NBTAPI to fix differentiation of 1.20.1 & 1.20.2
1.20.2 support
changed key bindings -> full yaml editor support in survival
fixed string editing allowing for more than 50 char input/editing
support for complex repair recipe
fixed socket client identification by unique id
downgraded to SE 11
fixed list of compounds editing
fixed XMaterial not matching for 1.20
1.20 support
support for <1.14 dropped
api for yaml file editing
1.19.4 support
entity hider
fixed StringInputGUI returning on complete wrong text
-thread context map
-printed on error
chat input
abstracted chat/anvil input
using maven so now a bit smaller
fixed comparing skull textures (GameProfile id) (due to NBTApi changes)
fixed ItemStackUtils#getDisplayName (negation)
handling complex recipes correctly
updated to 1.19.3
introducing modules
custom reentrant read write lock
fixed wrong method names
fixed InventoryUtils (counting and adding items)
renamed methods to avoid confusion
handling Complex Recipes properly (e.g. Leather Armor Dying, Duplicating Banner/Book, Firework)
custom wrapper class ComplexRecipeWrapper, which extends ShapedRecipe, to wrap Complex Recipes
the plugin that implements this api is expected to handly complex recipes properly due to their complex behavior
vanilla recipe caching
more checks for NumberInputGUI
updated to 1.19.1
if inv is closed in same or the following tick after it has been opened, the event will be ignored
IGUI#newInventory does not call IGUI#open anymore (more control for impl)
Input GUIs:
IItemStack#hashCode impl
use of IItemStack#hashCode in InventoryUtils for better perf
override equals in IItemStack for map
fixed wrong import (apache)
moved all external packets to avoid conflicts to de.ancash.libs (yaml, apache)
removed lots of apache except for some i/o and string utils
some changes/additions for logging (see github for more)
all versions compatible again
Disabled unknown tag msg for ItemStackFileUtil#getItemStack bc its f*ing annoying
FileUtils#setMissingConfigurationSections for setting all missing fields in a yaml file
Suppressed async exception thrown in IContainerWorkbench#setItem
introduction of SocketPlugin class (for easier socket plugin development)
ChatClient now async
changes in sockets (ClientConnect/DisconnectEvent)
improved getting items from config (customModelData, nbt)
UpdateChecker (by
Fixed InventoryUtils#getContentAmount
Fields in IGUI are now protected
Metrics constructor change
Full async socket impl
Vanilla recipe matcher helper
IItemStack rework for 1.8-1.18 support
Fixed InventoryUtils#getFreeSlots & #getFreeSpaceExact
NBTApi & AnvilGUI updated
Full async socket impl
Vanilla recipe matcher helper
IItemStack rework for 1.8-1.18 support
Fixed InventoryUtils#getFreeSlots & #getFreeSpaceExact
NBTApi & AnvilGUI updated
-improved io
-split io into smaller classes
- client side disconnect/connect event
- SerializableItemStack -> IItemStack w/ rework
- ItemStackUtils rework
github for more details
added AttributeModifier for SerializableItemStack
changes in SerializableItemStack comparison methods
Renamed some packages
SerializableItemStack for serialization and comparison
1.17 AnvilGUI and XMaterial
Sockets are Stable
Added Storage
Improved Sockets, however there are some packet losses (~1 in 1000 packets, recommended to send packets with delay)
Improved IGUI
Sockets working (no packet losses, ~15-20 MB/s)