IcbmBukkit - Fire your missiles icon

IcbmBukkit - Fire your missiles -----

Missile warhead has been loaded, ready to fire!

The compatibility update finally arrives. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long.
The plugin is now compatible with 1.20.6, as well as 1.21. (tested on 1.18.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.6, 1.21)
If you are still experiencing compatibility issues, please reach out to me
----------, Jun 30, 2024

This update brings long-range launching to the plugin.
It allows you to launch missiles from a distance up to 10,000 blocks away
Please delete the previous config file

Aside from this, there's some other details you have to pay attention to
1. dropped the support of 1.13.x, the minimum version is now 1.14.4
2. new options related to long-range launching. Please check out at https://doc.snnyyp.cn/icbmBukkit/configuration/
3. Translation issues fixed

The next update is expected to interact with Vault and WorldGuard
----------, Nov 27, 2022

Fixed two known severe bugs issued by @ ArcsNet. Thanks!
1. Plugin failed to load the database file under Linux system due to different path separators between Windows and Linux.
2. Players who use Minecraft's vanilla "wide-char" English font(instead of Unicode's "thin-char" style) will be unable to type "[Missile Interceptor]" in one line, making missile interceptors no sense for them. So the set-up sign of missile interceptors has been changed. Go to https://doc.snnyyp.cn/icbmBukkit/missileInterceptor/ to learn more about the new way of setting up a missile interceptor
----------, Nov 15, 2022

Update content:
1. NBT API(item-nbt-api-plugin) is now a dependency of the plugin, no longer integrated into the plugin beforehand
2. Allow console to execute some commands
3. Allow player to specify the missile they want to launch in their inventory
4. Missile interceptors of 3 levels
5. Fix translation issues
6. Launch point and destination of Katyusha Mode have to be in the same world
7. Nuclear missile and antimatter missile now can kill enderdragon instantly
8. Elytra and crossbow now can't launch missile items(fireworks)
9. Data persistence(default destination, missile interceptor, tracker binds)
10. The plugin language will now automatically sync with client side when client side changes its language
----------, Nov 9, 2022

Please delete the previous 'plugins/icbmBukkit' folder first
1. Plugin items now have their own textures and models as long as you have the resource pack enabled
2. 'Minecraft 1.19 support' removed from the wish list, and came into reality
3. Improved missile logic
4. Translation improved
5. Standard permission naming
6. Ender Dragon now can be locked on by trackers and homing missiles
----------, Jul 17, 2022

1. Now we dropped the support of Minecraft 1.12 temporarily, and moved on to version 1.13-1.17
2. Add multi-language support
3. Miner Missiles can't break bedrocks now
----------, Jul 9, 2022

1. Homing missile is now available
2. Permission system
3. Physical of missile trajectory improved
4. Determination of explosion conditions improved
----------, Jul 6, 2022

After nearly one year of silence, it's time to come back
This version, 1.16, is a fully remake version of icbmBukkit plugin, with much better performance
I have some features cut off, because they seems useless now
By the way, you may find some features missing, because I haven't recoded them yet, please wait for the following updates
And soon, we will say farewell to Minecraft 1.12.2 and move on to the latest version
----------, Jun 25, 2022

Now missiles have sounds
The download link of sound effect pack will be given in the description
----------, Aug 12, 2021

Correct homing missile logic when hitting the entity floating in the air
----------, Aug 6, 2021

Optimized launch logic & Homing missile
----------, Aug 5, 2021

1. Added EndothermicMissile which uses at night only and
ExothermicMissile for only day use
2. Fixed homing missile bugs
3. Added cool particle effects for two new missiles and NuclearMissile
4. Now NuclearMissile and AntimatterMissile do a lot more destruction
----------, Aug 2, 2021

Now, for those who want to use pure fireworks or other low-level missiles to craft high level missiles, the plugin will warn them and prevent their illegal action.
Also added completers for all the commands
----------, Aug 1, 2021

I did a lot in this update.
1. Optmized the plugin interaction. Now the plugin has colorful outputs and AutoCompleters.
2. Added homing missile. But still has some bugs due to server's limitations.
3. Totally solved long-range fire problem.
4. Added enchantment appearance to plugin items
Update now!!!
The next step is to polish the tutorial. Maybe a Youtube video is a great idea.
----------, Jul 30, 2021

Implemented miner missile, fixed long-distance bug
The next update might provide a better interaction between plugin and player
----------, Jul 28, 2021

Now everything looks better
The final jar file grew much bigger
----------, Jul 27, 2021

1. Nuclear missiles can now add poisonous effect to entities within its range
2. Nuclear missiles has 1/5 of possibility to turn a grass or dirt into mycelium
3. Antimatter missiles can kill entities within its range
4. Katyusha mode update. You can now fire tons of missile at the same time
----------, Jul 24, 2021

Implemented /fireto and /fireat commands
Add nuclear missile and antimatter missile
----------, Jul 24, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,602
First Release: Jul 22, 2021
Last Update: Jun 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
12 ratings
Find more info at doc.snnyyp.cn...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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