This plugin is a replica from the Rank System of Hypixel Network
Recommended for 1.8.9 | Created by LeoNotDeo
If you need assistance add leonardious on discord.
To run this plugin you need to have
hyperank.op permission.
To set a rank you need to do /setrank <user> <rankid>
There are alot of ranks! (
< Rank Name --> id >)
VIP --> (vip)
VIP+ --> (vips_plus)
MVP --> (mvp)
MVP+ --> (mvp_plus)
YT -- > (yt)
YOUTUBER --> (youtuber)
BUILDER --> (builder)
HELPER --> (helper)
MOD --> (mod)
GM --> (gm)
ADMIN --> (admin)
OWNER --> (owner)
Here is an example of the execution result of /setrank
Thanks for visiting this page <3