Description HydraXFly is not just another flight plugin - it's your complete solution for server flight management. With its intuitive design and powerful features, it brings unprecedented control over flight mechanics while maintaining server performance. Whether you're running a survival server with limited flight privileges or a creative server needing advanced flight controls, HydraXFly adapts to your needs perfectly.
FEATURES - Smart Flight Control: Toggle flight for yourself or others with simple commands - Dynamic Speed System: Adjust flight speeds from 0.1x to 10x - Safety First: Optional safe landing when flight is disabled - Session Persistence: Configure flight status retention between sessions - Full Customization: Every message and setting is configurable - Performance Optimized: Minimal impact on server resources
COMMANDS - /fly - Toggle your flight mode - /fly <player> - Toggle flight mode for another player - /flyspeed <1-10> - Set your flight speed - /flyspeed <player> <1-10> - Set flight speed for another player - /hydraxfly - Show available admin commands - /hydraxfly reload - Reload plugin configuration - /hydraxfly version - Show current plugin version
Additional Notes - Default permissions are disabled for regular users - The hydraxfly.admin permission automatically grants all other permissions - Server operators (OP) have access to all commands by default - Using any command without arguments will show its usage help
SUPPORT & FEEDBACK - Discord: FernanDoO#6442
FUTURE UPDATES - Flight zones and restricted areas - Advanced permission presets - GUI-based configuration - Flight effects and trails - Multi-language support
CREDITS Made with ❤️ by HydraXDev Premium Support Available