Description: This script adds a special magical hoe that can automatically break and replant mature crops in a 3x3 block area, with advanced customization options and new features including fertility mode and Jobs Reborn integration.
• Toggleable particle system
• Toggleable "harvest only" mode
• New fertility mode for bonus harvests
• Integration with Jobs Reborn plugin
• Per-player harvest statistics
• Extended command with more options
• Improved command with subcommands: particle, give, harvest, fertility, stats
• Tab completion system
• Tool customization with CustomModelData and durability information
• Harvest improvements including random bonuses and smart seed management
• Cooldown system to balance usage
• Data cleanup on player quit
• New utility functions for enhanced functionality
• Additional Bukkit class imports for improved performance
• /specialhoe particule [enable | disable]: Toggle particle effects
• /specialhoe give <player>: Give a Magical Hoe 3x3x4 to a specific player
• /specialhoe harvest [enable | disable]: Toggle "harvest only" mode
• /specialhoe fertility [enable | disable]: Toggle fertility mode
• /specialhoe stats: Display harvest statistics
• specialhoe.use: Allows the use of the /specialhoe command and its subcommands
1. Make sure you have Skript installed on your server
2. Place the script file in the plugins/Skript/scripts folder
3. Reload the scripts with /sk reload all or restart your server
• Skript
• Jobs Reborn (optional, for job integration)
• Ensure you have the necessary permissions to use the commands and features of the script.
• The script periodically checks if players still have their magical hoe and removes references if they don't.
• Player data is cleaned up when they quit the server.
• Fertility mode lasts 30 minutes and gradually increases soil fertility.
• Jobs integration requires the Jobs Reborn plugin installed on your server.
Feel free to report any issues or suggest improvements!