Customizable GUI: Customize your very own High-Low GUI!
Customizable Messages: Customize all lang messages!
Betting Limits: Set your own limits on how much money players can bet!
Super Easy Config: Very simple and easy configuration, perfect for any beginner configurator!
Permissions and Commands
/highlow <bet-amount> - Play the High-Low game with your desired bet amount.
/highlow reload - Reloads the config.yml file.
Plugin Preview
Code (YAML):
title: "&8High-Low Game | %current_number%" size: 27
material: "LIME_SHULKER_BOX" slot: 11
display_name: "�FF00Higher" lore: -
"&7Guess that the next number" -
"&7will be higher than the current number." -
"" -
"&eClick to Bet!" lower:
material: "RED_SHULKER_BOX" slot: 15
display_name: "&#FF0000Lower" lore: -
"&7Guess that the next number" -
"&7will be lower than the current number." -
"" -
"&eClick to Bet!" info:
material: "PAPER" slot: 13
display_name: "�FFFFCurrent Number" lore:
- "&7Current Number: &b%current_number%" bet:
min: 100
max: 50000
not_a_player: "&cOnly players can play this game." invalid_bet: "&cInvalid bet amount." not_enough_money: "&cYou don't have enough money to place this bet." bet_out_of_range: "&cBet amount must be between &b%min%&c and &b%max%&c." usage: "&eUsage: /highlow <bet-amount>" current_card: "&eCurrent Number: &b%card%" next_card: "&eNext Number: &b%card%" win: "&aYou guessed right! The next number was &b%next_number%&a. You win &b%amount%&a!" lose: "&cYou guessed wrong. The next number was &b%next_number%&c. You lose &b%amount%&c."
Dependency Make sure you have Vault installed onto the server, otherwise the plugin will not run!
Discord Support If you require any assistance you further support with our plugins, feel free to open a technical support ticket in our Discord Server!