A 5 stars review is appreciated!
New content:
- /has stats now shows the amount of perks/special blocks a player has
- Added an awesome spectating system! which only works for 1.8+ (Uses minecraft spectating gamemode)
- Added epic congratulations map, that can even display your custom images such as Server logo (Size is 90x90)
- Added an option to make /has join with no specific arena open up a gui with a list of arenas with their state and amount of players, and if an arena is clicked, you attempt joining it
- Creating a join sign will now instantly show the state block behind the sign if the feature is enabled
- Join signs dont require a specific arena if the 'Join-Gui' feature is enabled
Please note that the spectator mode wasn't tested by anyone other than me, so it may contain bugs or so, its disabled by default
Also note the fact that displaying images on a map may cause a bit of lag, not sure yet, but its sure is an epic and awesome looking feature for your players!
Some pictures
Join gui (Enabled by default)
New map (With an image displayer)
Spectating system (1.8+, disabled by default)