Plugin Features**
> Join and Leave messages configurable in the config.yml file.
> 1v1 Rtp Fight
> Everything is configurable in the config.yml
> Global Rtp Queue Join Message
> Support for Spigot/Paper/Purpur (and other spigot-based forks)
> 1.20.x to 1.21.x (I Haven't tested other versions)
> Permissions:
- yech.rtpqreload (reloads the config.yml file)
> Config.yml:
joined-rtpq: "&7You joined the queue."
left-rtpq: "&7You left the queue."
global-joined-rtpq: "&a%player% joined the queue."
global-left-rtpq: "&c%player% left the queue."
being-teleported: "&7You are being teleported."
config-reloaded: "&2Config Reloaded"
actionbar-joined-rtpq: "§2You joined the queue."
actionbar-left-rtpq: "§cYou left the queue."
actionbar-being-teleported: "§7You are being teleported."
no-perms: "&cYou don't have the yech.rtpqreload permission, if u believe this is an error, contact a member of the staff."
queue-flushed-message: "&cRtpQueue data was flushed, you may need to reenter the queue."
queue-flush-interval: 300
Min x: 50
Min z: 50
Max x: 8000
Max z: 8000