HealthPlus icon

HealthPlus -----

Essential health related commands for your server.

Hello HealthPlus consumers! I am back with another update in early August like I promised. In this added

/siphon (used to toggle siphon on and off globally).
Players with OP or with the permission 'healthplus.healonj' will now be fully healed and fed once they join.
/nohunger and /stophunger (same events) make it so the player who executed them doesn't lose hunger. You can execute the command again to start losing hunger.

Thats all for 2.3. I don't know what I am going to do for 2.4 but I'll find something. I also want to work on more plugins but I just don't have any ideas. DM on discord for plugin requests. Thank you for downloading HealthPlus!
----------, Aug 10, 2024

Hello fellow HealthPlus Enthusiasts. (lmao) I haven't made a huge change so I'm not calling this update 2.3, but its coming.

1.21 Support
Removed /heal reload or /healr because its useless (you probably aren't changing the skript)
Removed unneeded text and tips to reduce file size slightly.

Yep thats all. See you in 2.3, coming sometime in late July early August. (idk yet but thats what im running with)
----------, Jun 17, 2024

So coding really late at night is a bad idea (a lot of things were broken)

Fixed variables for /god
Fixed variables for /hr
Fixed close button for healthmod menu
Fixed many more variable issues

My bad. I really want people to actually like this plugin, have this plugin as a convenience. Bugs that stop things from working most likely stop players from even downloading updates, so if you guys are reading this I'm very sorry. I will test when I am actually awake next time. <3
----------, Apr 20, 2024

Once again it is me, UmbreonSkripts. Lets get 600 downloads please thanks

Removed /saturation
Removed /regeneration
Revamped healthmod. Way better menu + no glitches
Migrated my player variables to uuid variables ( whatisskriptonabout)
Fixed syntax errors
Updated Pastebin

So about that java port... its probably not happening anytime soon.
You can report any spelling issues, syntax errors, bugs, etc to me on discord! 'decloniscool99'
Thank you for downloading HealthPlus!
----------, Apr 14, 2024

Hello! It is me, UmbreonSkripts. I'm surprised it took me this long to think of god mode, but here it is!

Added /god command (Makes you invulnerable, toggles on/off)
/regen and /saturation no longer show particles!
/regen and /saturation now have a clear argument clearing the effect. Ex. /regen clear
Code is now in Pastebin!

I am under the works of coding an official java port of HealthPlus, but it is very new and will not come out for a while. I will keep updating for users who actually read these update logs.

Q: Wheres Superb?
A: idk

Thank you for downloading HealthPlus!
----------, Mar 10, 2024

I want to start this update by saying thanks for 500 downloads. The only reason I have continued to publish skripts is because of this project. That being said, I am not done skripting. This project will continue to receive updates, as well as a new project I am slowly developing. Now lets talk about whats in this update.

I removed all the HeartsPlus code, it was just a buggy mess.
All commands now have a "all" argument, that applies the command to all players on the server, except /healthreset, because you can't reset everyones health at once.
/healr (reloads the skript) is now /heal reload
/healthmod is now a intractable GUI, making it much easier to use.

Additionally, all message sent in response to executed commands (syntax) is consistent. You can report any spelling errors, bugs, glitches, to me on discord. (Tag 'yayumbreon') You can also contact me on there for help.

Thank you for downloading HealthPlus!
----------, Jan 27, 2024

Every command now has its own permission.
HeartsPlus now can give you individual hearts instead of 1x, 2x, and 5x.
Every command now has its own description and message.
----------, Jul 6, 2023

/heartgive (1, 2, or 5) gives you a heart item
/heartwithdraw takes away a heart, gives you a heart item
----------, Aug 6, 2022

----------, Apr 9, 2022

Added /regen
Added /heal reload
Changed syntax theme
Fix /feal syntax bug
----------, Feb 6, 2022

Many bugs fixed
Minor cmd changes
/feal command
----------, Jan 1, 2022

----------, Jul 9, 2021

Added configurable prefix and version in game
----------, Jul 4, 2021

Added /nohunger, /constanthunger, and /heal gui
----------, Jun 26, 2021

I'll be making more plugins and updating them more for now on!
But for now, I added /nohunger.
Usage is in the desc.
----------, Jun 25, 2021

/heal help was not optional and heal did not work.
fixed issue.
----------, Jun 13, 2021

Customization features and more.
----------, Jun 13, 2021

Update in desc.
----------, Jun 13, 2021

I added a picture to it.
----------, Jun 12, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,044
First Release: Jun 12, 2021
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings