Fixed and improved search command.
Added option to disable local heads (disabled by default)
Fixed permission for opening menu.
Fixes the food & drinks category not working properly.
improves the search command.
search command accepts filters such as: tags, contributors, collections, dates (publish date of the head), before (heads published before the date), after
The dates are in format: dd-MM-yyyy
this should fix the crash bug
Complete rewrite of the plugin.
Not completed yet but released because a lot of people are waiting.
Report issues/Suggestions:
Fixes inconsistent meta console spam
Support for 1.20.2
Mainly of improvements to code and bugfixes.
Migrate to NexusLib,
Added blockedHeads,
Fixed langs & favs
Fixed 1.19.4 search bug
Enhanced logging
Economy and several other fixes
Delete your config and messages file if upgrading. Just to be sure nothing breaks.
Rewritten the whole internals of the plugin.
Added command placeholder %player% for the player purchasing the head
Added PlaceholderAPI support for commands
fix possible weird shade bug
close option and commands on purchase
Fixed typo in messages leading to null.
If updating: delete messages.yml or rename proccessPayment to procesPayment in the file.
Added an option to hide heads with a specific name or tag.
Delete your config.yml if updating!
Internal changes and patches
Pushed pom version to java 16
added a fallback archive that will be fetched from when the main api is down (can be disabled via config.yml)
Big internal changes and refactoring.
You should delete your config.yml if updating.
Internal) changes to how economy is handled
plugin will now check and warn you when using an outdated version
Added provider under economy in the config.yml. (Delete your current config.yml to see it or add it yourself)
Switch to gson for parsing head api (internal)
Localization and reload improvements
Fixed messages file not creating
Adds some localization options.
You will now see a messages.yml file appear after the plugin starts
Sounds customization
per-category permission option
Delete your config.yml if updating!
Fixed economy message for purchasing heads not having color
Update task
Possible removal of leftover debug message
Removed JSON-simple, now using Gson.
Removed the storage library.
The database will now update async.
Refactored some methods.
Mainly internal changes
Pushed to 1.18
should fix any issues regarding uuids
permission headdb.update fix
Added /headdb update
Update is mainly internal changes
Added economy support
Added main menu customization
Delete your config.yml if updating from an older version!
Fixes possible issues related to arrays in console
Changed back to Material, removed XMaterial
Added tags to heads and tagsearch
Added search button in main menu (/hdb, sign)
Fixes local heads menu not opening
Fixed issue with search function lacking heads. (Tnx Jordan :3)
Storing data now uses JSON file (faster).
Added option in config.yml for fetching upon startup/async fetching.
Fixed possible memory leaks.
Added Local Heads (Players that have joined the server)
Minor fixes/changes
Added Favorites Menu
Minor bug fixes
Fixes the texture bug
No longer supporting older versions than 1.13