Raiding, classes, and abilities are all optional mechanics of this plugin, making it fit for multiple uses!
DEPENDENCIES: NONE! I also do not include any third party tracking software such as bStats, etc. The download and source code includes strictly the plugin and nothing else. This plugin optionally supplies PlaceholderAPI with placeholders. Please check my resources page if you wish to downlaod the extension. You can also download the extension through the eCloud using "/papi ecloud download hcfplus"
Any feedback (especially feature suggestions) is always appreciated! Feel free to leave a review/comment!
/f create <name> - Create a faction /f desc <your description here> - Set your description /f invite <name> - Invite a friend /f kick <name> - Kick a player from faction /f setleader <name> - Set new faction leader /f leave - Leave faction /f info [faction/player] - View info of your/someone's faction /f setcolor - Set your faction's display color /f list - Show all factions /f sethome - Set faction home /f home - Teleport to faction home /f claim - Get a claiming wand to claim land /f unclaim - Unclaim your land /f notify - Send a message to faction members
/f reload - Reload config /f version - Check version /f setdtr <faction/player> <dtr> - Set faction DTR /f savefactions - Manual factions save (for autosaving)
Permissions: hcf.admin - Override claims - Replace xxx with player command. Examples below: hcf.player.sethome - Permission for /f sethome Please note - the permission for /f who and /f info (same command) is
# Allow mobs to spawn in claims mob-spawn-in-claims: false
# Configurable Messages Below no-permission: "&cNo permission." msg-success: "&eSuccess!" msg-must-be-in-faction: "&cYou must be in a faction to do that!" msg-must-be-leader: "&cYou must be the leader to do that!" msg-player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found." not-a-player-or-faction: "&cNo faction found by that name/player." msg-no-invite: "&cYou do not have any invitations or the faction you are trying to join is full." already-has-claim: "&cYour team already has a claim!" tried-claim-no-selection: "&cYou must make a selection with /pos1 & /pos2, or use this claiming wand!" claim-too-big: "&cClaim too big." claim-too-small-or-narrow: "&cClaim too small or narrow" land-already-claimed: "&cLand is already claimed." must-have-claim: "&cYou need to have a claim!" home-must-be-in-claim: "&cYour home must be inside your claim!" already-in-faction: "&cYou are already in a faction!" name-too-long: "&cFaction name is too long!" name-taken: "&cThat name is already taken!" invalid-name: "&cTry another name with A-Z only!" faction-founded: "&eFaction &f{faction} &ehas been founded!"#Use {faction} to get the name of the founded faction teleport-pending: "&eTeleporting to faction home in &f{seconds} &eseconds. Do not engage in PvP combat." archer-tagged: "&cYou have been archer tagged!"