This Minecraft plugin allows players to wear various blocks as hats, each granting a unique effect. When a player wears a specific block as a hat, the corresponding effect is activated and communicated to the player. Here are some of the blocks and their associated effects:
GLASS: Grants the player Night Vision.
PUMPKIN: Grants the player Speed.
JACK-O-LANTERN: Grants the player Fire Resistance.
ICE: Grants the player Water Breathing.
BEACON: Grants the player Increased Damage.
CARVED PUMPKIN: Grants the player Night Vision.
DRAGON EGG: Causes Confusion to the player.
ENDER CHEST: Makes the player Invisible.
EMERALD BLOCK: Grants the player Luck.
DIAMOND BLOCK: Grants the player Damage Resistance.
GOLD BLOCK: Grants the player Absorption.
IRON BLOCK: Causes Slowness to the player.
LAPIS BLOCK: Grants the player Luck.
COAL BLOCK: Makes the player Blind.
HAY BLOCK: Grants the player Jump Boost.
BONE BLOCK: Grants the player Additional Health.
MELON: Makes the player Satiated.
SOUL SAND: Causes Slowness to the player.
SPONGE: Grants the player Water Breathing.
PRISMARINE: Grants the player Water Breathing.
NETHERITE BLOCK: Grants the player Fire Resistance.
HONEY BLOCK: Grants the player Regeneration.
CARROT: Grants the player Speed.
POTATO: Makes the player Satiated.
BEETROOT: Grants the player Additional Health.
OAK SAPLING: Grants the player Luck.
SPRUCE SAPLING: Causes Slowness to the player.
BIRCH SAPLING: Makes the player Blind.
JUNGLE SAPLING: Causes Confusion to the player.
ACACIA SAPLING: Makes the player Invisible.
DARK OAK SAPLING: Grants the player Water Breathing.
OAK LEAVES: Grants the player Increased Damage.
SPRUCE LEAVES: Causes Slowness when digging.
BIRCH LEAVES: Makes the player Weak.
JUNGLE LEAVES: Causes Wither to the player.
ACACIA LEAVES: Grants the player Luck.
DARK OAK LEAVES: Causes Slow Falling to the player.
LILY PAD: Grants the player Water Breathing.
GRAVEL: Makes the player Blind.
SAND: Causes Slowness to the player.
RED SAND: Causes Confusion to the player.
GRASS BLOCK: Grants the player Speed.
DIRT: Causes Slowness when digging.
COARSE DIRT: Makes the player Weak.
PODZOL: Grants the player Luck.
MYCELIUM: Causes Wither to the player.
CLAY: Makes the player Blind.
PUMPKIN STEM: Grants the player Additional Health.