FireworkPlugin - Dynamic Firework Displays
FireworkPlugin is a lightweight and highly configurable Bukkit/Spigot plugin that creates dynamic and colorful firework displays around players. Perfect for events, celebrations, or just adding extra flair to your Minecraft server, this plugin allows you to control firework frequency, density, and more through an intuitive configuration file.
- Player-Centric Fireworks: Generates colorful fireworks around every player online.
- Configurable Settings:
- Control the number of fireworks per player.
- Customize the interval between displays.
- Commands and Permissions: Toggle firework displays with simple commands.
- Safe for Players: Fireworks spawn above players to ensure no accidental damage.
- Lightweight and Efficient: Optimized for performance on all server types.
- /firework on
Enables firework displays for all players (requires permission fireworkplugin.on).
- /firework off
Disables firework displays (requires permission
- fireworkplugin.on
Allows players to enable firework displays.
Default: op
Allows players to disable firework displays.
Default: op
Configuration (config.yml)
The plugin includes a configuration file to customize behavior:
# Interval in ticks (1 tick = 50ms) between firework displays
interval: 60 # 3 seconds
# Number of fireworks per player per display
fireworks-per-player: 10
- Download the latest version of the plugin.
- Place the .jar file into your server's plugins folder.
- Start or reload your server to generate the configuration file.
- Customize config.yml to your preferences.
- Use /firework on to start the show!
- Minecraft Version: 1.19 or newer.
- API Compatibility: Bukkit/Spigot.
- Celebrate player achievements, server milestones, or holidays with beautiful firework displays.
- Add an immersive touch to events or parties hosted on your server.
Example Use Case
Enable fireworks during a community event to make it unforgettable:
interval: 40 # Fireworks every 2 seconds
fireworks-per-player: 20 # 20 fireworks per player
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