A bukkit/spigot plugin that adds a set of Halloween themed effects to your server. Bring Halloween to your players!
WARNING!You need to go in the config and configure the plugin based on you server needs, game play and amount of players online. You can fine tune effects run interval, disable them or change settings to spawn less entities if you have problems. This plugin spawns some entities but most of them are actually mobs that spawn naturally in the world and only get a pumpkin or other effects applied to them and will also be counted by the cleanup task. DON'T expect for the default config to be ideal for your server, as each server is different.
Compatible with most server versions, from 1.6.4 to latest.
Works on Cauldron/KCauldron/Thermos 1.7.10 servers.
Works on MCPC Plus 1.6.4 servers.
Multiple effects and features, read more below.
Very configurable, check the config sample below.
Light, will use little resources and big tasks run async to not impact the server performance or TPS.
Pumpkin Heads Will pick up a random player and place a pumpkin on their head if they wear no helmet. It will also run some visual effects, play sounds and send some messages in chat. Bats will also spawn near player head. If players don't want to get this effect all over again all they have to do is wear something on their heads.
Pumpkin Effects Will check near players for Pumpkins or Jack o Lantern blocks placed and will play some effects and sounds to make the pumpkin feel like he is alive.
On Minecraft 1.13 and up when you break a normal pumpkin block there is a small chance that a Evoker Fang will spawn and eat the pumpkin block with some particle and sound effects.
Pumpkin Click Effects Will play some effects and sounds when players click on placed Pumpkins or Jack o Lanterns blocks.
Bats Effects If you hit/shoot a bat he will transform into a Witch and spawn a firework and some small effects. Just for fun.
Bat Names You can enable/disable bat names and even change the bat names with color codes support, toggle names always visible or not. Bats will get the name when they spawn.
Witch Effects When you hit/shoot a witch there is a configurable change that the witch will morph back into a bat.
Witch Names Similar to the Bat Names feature but supports multi names so you can add as many names as you want and the witch will get random names from that list of names. The names are set when the witch spawns.
Mobs Pumpkin Heads Will place Pumpkins and Jack o Lanterns on mobs heads when they spawn. Sometimes will place Pumpkins, sometimes Jack o Lanterns and sometimes none, also when mobs already wear helmets they will not get removed, just to have diversity in the game. Keep in mind that placing something on mods heads is only possible for mobs that can wear equipment as Zombies, Skeletons, ZombiePigmen... , this is a game limitation. Note these mobs are not spawned by this plugin, these mobs are spawning normally and only get a pumpkin on their heads.
Mobs disguised as Death Will disguise random mobs that can wear equipment when they spawn as Death. The mob will be invisible and wear Black leather helmet and chastplate and a hoe.
Raise Monsters from the Ground During the night will pickup random players to raise zombies and skeletons from the ground near them. These mobs are spawned by this plugin so you can disable it.
Bonus mobs:
Hoglin Rider - Sometimes instead of default zombies and skeletons a Hoglin Rider will raise from the ground. This Hoglin and it's Piglin Brute will be immune to zombification.
Strider Rider - Sometimes instead of default zombies and skeletons a Strider Rider will raise from the ground. This Strider is peaceful but his rider is a Pillager and it will raid you down!
Ravager Rider- Sometimes instead of default zombies and skeletons a Ravager Rider will raise from the ground. It's a Evoker riding a Ravager.
Random Scares During the night will get random players and play random sounds and sometimes lightning. For a spooky feel.
Eat Pumpkin Pie Effects Will play some effects when you eat a pumpkin pie. It will place a pumpkin on your head and apply some potion effects, play some sounds and particles.
Ghosts When you kill a player or sometimes a mob a ghost will spawn from the soul of the killed entity! Fancy effect and spooky!
Spawn Fancy Mobs When a hostile mob is spawning there is a small chance that a fancy mob will spawn. Fancy mobs are some mobs that you normally do not find in the world or are very rare. This uses a normal mob spawn as trigger and it will transform that mob based on it's type to one of the fancy mobs below.
Available mobs:
ChickenJockey - Is a baby zombie, zombie pigman, villager zombie or a husk riding a chicken. Spawns sometimes when a zombie spawns.
SpiderJockey - Is a skeleton, wither skeleton or a stray riding a spider or a cave spider. Spawns sometimes when a skeleton spawns.
SkeletonHorseman - Is a skeleton riding a skeleton horse. Will equip an enchanted bow and sometimes an enchanted iron helmet. Spawns sometimes when a skeleton spawns.
ZombieHorseman - Is a zombie riding a zombie horse. Will equip an enchanted iron sword and sometimes an enchanted iron helmet. Spawns sometimes when a zombie spawns.
Illusioner- Makes the Illusioner mob to spawn naturally sometimes when a witch spawn. Available with custom names.
Hoglins- When a pig spawns there is a small chance it will be converted into a baby hoglin, this just brings Hoglins to spawn to other worlds then their Nether home.
Killer Bunny - When a rabbit spawns there is a small chance it will become a Killer Bunny, just for fun as this mob does not naturally spawn.
Place the plugin in the server plugins folder and start the server. Done!
(Optional) Open the config and set up the plugin settings as you like and do /hf reload to apply the changes.
Permissions HF.admin - Allow the use of config reload and clear commands. Default to OP.
HF.noEffects- Disable effects. Default to none.
Commands /hf reload -
HF.admin - Reload the plugin config.
/hf clear -
HF.admin - Kill all entities tagged by this plugin.
Config Sample:
# default config.yml for HalloweenEffects
# config version 1.42.1
#Plugin settings. Settings:
#Kill all tagged/named entities that this plugin spawned on server shutdown/restart. KillNamedEntities: true
#Configure auto entity removal for spawned halloween entities in minutes, set to 0 to disable, default 3 minutes. Only works if KillNamedEntities is true. KillSpawnedEntitiesTimer: 3
#Prevent running effects on players in creative mode. NoEffectsInCreativeMode: false
#Disable changing mobs spawned by spawners. DisableSpawnerEffects: false
#Set pumpkin heads on random players and spawn some bats around them. PumpkinHeads:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#Amount of bats that spawn around the player head. (Default 3) Set to 0 to disable. BatsSpawned: 3
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Interval to get a new random player to run the effect. #In seconds. | Default 60 seconds. RunInterval: 60
#Cooldown until a player will be able to get the effect again. #In seconds. | Default 600 seconds (10 min). Cooldown: 600
#Run pumpkin effect for blocks placed. PumpkinEffects:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Interval to run pumpkin effects. #In seconds. | Default 30 seconds. RunInterval: 30
#Enable effects on pumpkin click. PumpkinClick:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Bat effects when you hit bats. BatEffects:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Spawn witches on bat hit. SpawnWitches: true
#Enable XP custom drops. Set to 0 to disable XP drops. CustomXpDrops:
Enabled: false
XP-Amount: 0
#All bats will spawn with this name if enabled. #Names have color codes support. BatNames:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
NameAlwaysVisible: true
Name: '&6Hit me!'
#Witch effects when you hit witches WitchEffects:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
MorphIntoBatChance: '10%'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Enable XP custom drops. Set to 0 to disable XP drops. CustomXpDrops:
Enabled: false
XP-Amount: 0
#Remove item drops when the witch is killed. Only works for witches spawned by this plugin. RemoveDrops: false
#All witches will spawn with this name if enabled. #Names have color codes support. WitchNames:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&6I will get you!'
- '&cDrink this!'
- '&eHi Hi Hi!'
- '&6Potions ready!'
- '&6Trick or Treat!'
- '&5I have the magic!'
#Mob pumpkin heads. MobPumpkinHeads:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Mobs disguised as death effects. MobsAsDeath:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Will spawn monsters from the ground during the night near players. MonstersFromUnderground:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Interval to get a new random player to run the effect. #In seconds. | Default 120 seconds. RunInterval: 120
#Cooldown until a player will be able to get the effect again. #In seconds. | Default 600 seconds (10 min). Cooldown: 600
#Hoglin Rider - if enabled it will randomply spawn with monsters from underground effect. HoglinRider:
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&6Where''s my gold?'
- '&cI will chop you down!'
#Strider Rider - if enabled it will randomply spawn with monsters from underground effect. StriderRider:
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&6Come to papa!'
- '&cI will raid you down!'
#Ravager Rider - if enabled it will randomply spawn with monsters from underground effect. RavagerRider:
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&6I have FANGS!'
- '&cI will VEX you out!'
#Will make random sounds and lightning effects on random players during the night. RandomScares:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Interval to get a new random player to run the effect. #In seconds. | Default 30 seconds. RunInterval: 30
#Cooldown until a player will be able to get the effect again. #In seconds. | Default 120 seconds (2 min). Cooldown: 120
#Run effects when a player eats a pumpkin pie. PumpkinPie:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Ghosts will spawn when you kill a player or sometimes when you kill a mob. #NOTE! This does not work in minecraft 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 as Armor Stands were not yet added to the game!
Enabled: true
#The chance in % that a ghost will spawn when a mob is killed range: 1 - 100 % #When a plyer is killed a ghost will always spawn. MobSpawnRate: 50
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#Ghost armor color (default is white) Armor-Color: '#ffffff'
#Skull skin hash. Skull-Hash: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjhkMjE4MzY0MDIxOGFiMzMwYWM1NmQyYWFiN2UyOWE5NzkwYTU0NWY2OTE2MTllMzg1NzhlYTRhNjlhZTBiNiJ9fX0='
Skull-Helmet-Name: '&f&lGhost Skull'
#Multi name support. Ghost-Names:
- '&f&lBoo!'
- '&f&lI will hunt you later!'
- '&f&lI will be back. Sleep tight!'
#Adds some fancy halloween mobs on natural spawning. SpawnFancyMobs:
Enabled: true
#Effect will be disabled in these worlds. DisabledWorlds:
- 'world1'
- 'world2'
#This effect will only play durring night time. RunOnlyAtNight: false
#Disable spawning of fancy mobs on mob spawners. Spawning-from-Spawners: true #When a Zombie spawns there is a small chance that a ChickenJockey will spawn. #A chicken jockey is a baby zombie, zombie pigman, zombie villager or husk riding a chicken. ChickenJockey: true
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&cFresh meat!'
- '&6Time for you to run!'
- '&eI can ride anything'
#When a Skeleton spawns there is a small chance that a SkeletonJockey will spawn. #A spider jockey is a skeleton, sither skeleton, zombie villager or stray riding a spider. SpiderJockey: true
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&cGive me your bones!'
- '&6I have arrows for you!'
- '&eTrick or treat?'
#When a Skeleton spawns there is a small chance that a Skeleton Horseman will spawn. #It's a skeleton riding a skeleton horse. SkeletonHorseman: true
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&cI collect bones!'
- '&6Death Rider'
- '&eSkeleton Horseman'
#When a Zombie spawns there is a small chance that a Zombie Horseman will spawn. #It's a zombie riding a zombie horse. ZombieHorseman: true
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&cFresh meat around?'
- '&2Time for you to rot!'
- '&eZombie Horseman'
#When a witch spawn there is a small chance that an Illusioner will spawn. #Adds natural spawn to Illusioner mobs. Illusioner: true
Enabled: true
NameAlwaysVisible: true
#Multi name support. Names:
- '&aDo you see me now?'
- '&cYour vision is mine!'
- '&eCan you trust your eyes?'
#When a pig spawns there is a small chance that it will be converted into a Hoglin. Hoglin: true
#When a rabbit spawns there is a small chance that it will be converted into a Killer Bunny. KillerBunny: true
#Chat messages with color and format codes support. #Minecraft Color and Format Codes: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes ChatMessages:
NoPermission: '&4[System] &cYou don''t have permission!'
CmdHelp: '&4[System] &cAvailable commands:&6 /hf reload &c| &6/hf clear'
CmdReload: '&2[System] &aConfig reload complete!'
CmdClear: '&2[System] &aRemoved&2 %amount% &atagged entities!'
PumpkinHeads: '&7 Psssst... wear a helmet else a pumpkin will spawn in..'
Halloween: '&6 Happy Halloween!'
ReloadCmdBlocked: '&4[System] &cServer reload is not good for plugins! For safety this command is blocked.'
Useful Info
Found a problem or got a suggestion? I'm happy to add new features and fix any issue you may find, just post it in plugins forum, the button Discussion.
Future updates. In case the plugin will need to be updated we will do it as fast as we get the new minecraft version.
Agreement This plugin works as it is stated in the description.
If you are unsure if this plugin is for you, don't make a blind purchase!
Leave a comment or send me a pm to state your questions/concerns before buying!
By purchasing HalloweenEffects, you agree to the following terms:
All purchases are final.
You will not redistribute the HalloweenEffects plugin or any of its source code to anyone publicly or privately.
Absolutely no refunds.
You will not attempt to modify the HalloweenEffects plugin source code without direct permission from me.
If you like this resource and want to say thank you with a donation please use this PayPal button. Thanks!