GUIShop icon

GUIShop -----

This plugin is the ultimate solution to all the signs, the chests, the glitches.

This plugin is the ultimate solution to all the signs, the chests, the glitches. This plugin will put a stop to all
those head aches. I present to you, GUI shop. This plugin uses a sleek new way of making shops easy,
comfortable, and fun!

This plugin is easy to configure, Easy to use, and a great solution to your shop issues!

If you need support:

Note: Reloading with PlugMan is not supported! Please use /gs reload to properly reload the plugin.


How it works:
This plugin was designed to act like a large chest. You can simply click an item in the chest to buy it, or dump items in a blank inventory to sell them. It does not use a physical chest however. It is a complete Virtual shop that will use any economy plugin you choose, so long you have Vault installed.

This plugin has a simple easy-to-read configuration that allows you to customize your shop, and tweak anything you like!

  • Per-Shop Permissions (E.G Donator Shop).
  • Menu & Shop Pagination.
  • Clean Quantity Selector.
  • Spawner Support (Without needing a Spawners Plugin!).
  • Player Head Support (Without needing PlayerHead Plugin!).
  • Enchanted Book Support.
  • Custom Item NBT.
  • Execute Commands on Buy. (From Player, or Console).
  • Custom Item Placeholders (For titles, prices, etc).
  • Dynamic Pricing Support.
  • Custom Economy Support (Vault).
  • Other-Plugin Item Support (Via Custom NBT).
  • 100% Configurable Language.
  • Bulk Sell & Individual Selling.
  • API for Developers.
  • Supports 1.4.6 - 1.16.5.
  • 100% Configurable in-game, or via yml.
  • Debug Logging to narrow down issues.
  • Forward/Backward Material/Enchantment resolving.​
  • Back Button or Escape Button (Configurable).​
  • Dynamic Shop/Sell Commands (Configurable).​
  • Free.

How to install:
1. Simply drop into your plugins folder

2. Restart server
3. Navigate to GUIShop folder inside plugins
4. Edit the .yml files to configure the plugin

/shop - Opens the shops menu.
/guishop edit - Opens in Editor Mode.
/guishop price/p {price} - Set item in hand's buy price.
/guishop sell/s {price} - Set item in hand's sell price.
/guishop shopname/sn {name} - Set item in hand's Shop-Name.
/guishop buyname/bn {name} - Set item in hand's Buy-Name.
/guishop enchant/e {enchants} - Set item in hand's Enchantments.
/guishop asll {line} - Add Shop Lore Line.
/guishop dsll {lineNumber} - Delete Shop Lore Line. Starts at 0.
/guishop esll {lineNumber} {line} - Edit Shop Lore Line. Starts at 0.
/guishop abll {line} - Add Buy Lore Line.
/guishop dbll {lineNumber} - Delete Buy Lore Line. Starts at 0.
/guishop ebll {lineNumber} {line} - Edit Buy Lore Line. Starts at 0.
/guishop ac {command} - Add Command to item.
/guishop dc {lineNumber} - Delete Command by line. Starts at 0.
/guishop ec {lineNumber} {cmd} - Edit Command by line. Starts at 0.
/guishop t {type} - Sets item type.
/guishop mt {type} - Sets item mob type.

guishop.use - Allow use of /shop.
guishop.reload - Allow use of /guishop reload[shopName] - Allow access to specific shops* - Allow access to all categories
guishop.sign.use - Allow usage of signs to open shop. - Allow users to place signs?
guishop.sell - Allow users to open sell inventory
guishop.admin - Allow user to enter creator mode

How to use:
Its quite simple to use this plugin. All you need to do is open the configuration. Follow the instructions provided within. once completed do /reload OR /shop reload. After that its simple. Do /shop to open the virtual shop. Click an item in the top inventory to buy, Click an item in your inventory to sell!

English (NEW VIDEO):

You may use this code for educational purposes.
You may use this code to make changes or tweaks, only for your server.
You may not redistribute this code in any way or form

Selling (/sell)

Hope you enjoy! if you have any problems PM me, Post in the comments.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 465,568
First Release: Dec 16, 2014
Last Update: Oct 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
330 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings