Added /gptp setall <player> <state: public/private> - Sets the public/private state of all claims for a player
Added /manageclaims <player> - Opens the manage claim menu for a specific player- if they have permission to modify the claim or have the gptp.staff permission.
Added custom items/heads for icons. (access the menu by right-clicking the current icon in the middle of the manage claim menu. See below for config)
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've lost a lot of my motivation for Minecraft projects & am busy irl. If you need support, feel free to join my
discord server and create a forum post in
Fixed multiple bugs involving permission checking & the config
- Spigot support
- Individual permissions for toggling public and private status of a claim
- Back button material can now be changed
- Fixed bStats related stack trace
- Various other changes.
- Disabled page numbers in the claims menu as it has some issues.
- Public button in the manage claim menu is no longer shown when the player doesn't have permission
- No permission message is shown before cooldown message in the /public command
Note: I'm still working on the rewrite, just haven't had much time to allocate in the past few months
- Fixed bugs with invalid claim spawn locations when resizing a claim
- Added max public claims per user with vault support
- Added /claimtp <id/name> command, Allows players to not use the menu