How to setup plugin:
Follow this steps to set up the plugin.
[Setting up the areas]
1) First, you need to create the new area.
/greenkoth createarea areaName
2) To set location of this area just go to the upper corner, and type
/greenkoth setareapos areaName pos
1. Then go to the lower corner and execute
/greenkoth setareapos areaName pos
2. You can create as many TOP areas as you want (translates to: you can create as many koths as you want).
If you want to delete the area execute
/greenkoth deletearea areaName
MiniMessage Support:
You can use MiniMessage format messages in the language config. You just need to add $ symbol in the beginning of every message.
List of Placeholders:
- Time left %duel_time_left% you can change how this is displayed in config
use < and > instead of %s for MiniPlaceholders
List of Commands:
/greenkoth - Displays help message. (
/greenkoth createarea <areaName> - Create the KOTH Top area. (greenkoth.admin.createarea)
/greenkoth setareapos <areaName> pos<1/2> - Set the area's corner points. (greenkoth.admin.setpos)
/greenkoth deletearea - Delete area with the specific name. (greenkoth.admin.deletearea)
/greenkoth reload - Reload the configuration. (greenkoth.admin.reload)