Description: This Spigot plugin enhances gameplay by introducing a life system. Each player starts with three lives, loses one upon death, and gains one when killing another player. The plugin includes customizable placeholders and configurations.
When a player's life count reaches zero, they will be in spectator.
Revelation: Reveals the position of all players approximately every 30 minutes. This feature can be disabled via the configuration.
1. `/life check <player>` - View a player's lives.
2. `/life give <player>` - Give a life to a player.
3. `/life reset <player>` - Reset a player's stats.
4. `/life set <player> <number>` - Set a player's lives.
# Messages prefix: "&7[&FServerName&7]&8 » " no-player: "&cPlayer not found" reset-life: "&e%player% is back in the game" no-permission: "&cYou don't have the required permissions" check-lifes: "&c%player% has %lifes% lives" your-lifes: "&bYou have %lifes% lives" give-life: "&bYou have donated 1 life" receive-life: "&bYou have received 1 life from %player%" not-enough-lifes: "&cYou don't have enough lives" cant-find-player: "&cPlayer not found" cant-send-to-yourself: "&cYou can't do that to yourself" revelation_message: "%player% is at (%position_x%, %position_y%, %position_z%, %world%)" title_revelation: "&cRevelation" subtitle_revelation: "&c" death: "&e%player% has died and now has &c❤ %lifes% lives" final-death: "&e%player% has died permanently" join: "&e%player% has joined the server!" leave: "&c%player% has left the server" gained-life: "&bYou have gained 1 life" set-life: "&bNew life count: %new_life%"
# Help help-commands: "&c\n Usage: \n give: /life give <player> \n check: /life check <player>"
Placeholders: - Life Placeholder: `%glife_life%`
- Revelation Timer: `%glife_revelation%`