GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection icon

GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection -----

Who purposely cheats his friend, cannot cheat his god

Build 49
  • Implemented experimental KitBattle compatibility
  • Fixed a false positive with multiple checks when spamming right click with an item on 1.17 and above clients
  • Fixed false positive with NoFall TypeB when some specific plugin disable false damage
  • More small compatibility improvements with other plugins
  • Small optimization tweaks

The Recode is on the way!
As most of you already know we are recoding GodsEye for a while now
one of the reasons it gets delayed a lot is that since the first time we announced the recode we ended up restarting the recode around a month later which added to the delays, but all and all great things take a lot of time to develop especially when I have a very limited time on my hands to work on it, but I am happy to announce that looking at it now we did a big amount of progress, so thank you a lot for your patience, this recode is an integral step in GodsEye's path going forward and will put GodsEye on another new level in every way, a huge refresh, improving so many systems and implementing a lot of new ones, getting a huge performance boost and making it way easier to maintain and so much more.

Thank you!
So again thanks a lot to the people who support us, we really appreciate you, keep on being amazing

For now...
we will keep on releasing small maintenance updates to current GodsEye but will put a bigger focus on working on the recode, which is also why recent updates were pretty small,
also for the people who submitted feature requests that we approved but weren't added for a while most of these are not added yet because they require some systems that are only implemented on the recode, so these features will most likely only be released when the recode is out
----------, Aug 4, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 993
First Release: Aug 13, 2019
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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