Added AutoClicker configuration option for allowing ButterFly clicking
Cleaned AutoClicker TypeD
Implemented AimAssist TypeD
Implemented AimAssist TypeE
Implemented AimAssist TypeF
Did some configuration logic changes/edits and fixes
Did some changes and addition to TPS Protections
Added a new TPS Protection setting to the configuration file
Fixed a wired Console error on Paper
Fixed Killaura TypeC false positive with the Sweeping Edge enchantment
Implemented Killaura TypeI (AutoBlock detection)
From now on, the Bot check only supports 1.8.X - 1.13.X servers
Fixed a console error when hitting the bot
Rewritten Killaura TypeG and TypeF to be more lag resistance (and hopefully prevent false positives)
Implemented AutoClicker TypeE and TypeF (statistical analysis checks)
Implemented new command /ge logs <player> that would allow viewing online and offline players punishment logs
Fixed Movement TypeB false positive in cobwebs in air
Fixed Fly TypeE rare false positive in cobwebs in air
Hopefully Fixed Fly TypeD false positive when placing blocks that are canceled by the server
Fixed ChestStealer TypeB false positive when throwing items from a chest very quickly
From now on Verbose and Alerts settings will not be deleted when quitting the server, BUT they will be cleaned from memory every two minutes if the player is not online
From now on every punishment log will also contain the Type of the check, old logs that do not contain that will write "Type: none" by default so there is no need to remove old logs
Changed how the profiling system works to allow some big optimization changes (should improve performance under stress)
Fixed false positive when walking on an open shulker
Guys This is a HUGE update which means that it may contain some bugs/unnoticed issues, in that case, you want to report these bugs to the issue tracker and maybe downgrade to Build 19 BETA until a fix is released, I will be fixing bugs after this as hotfixes so the fixes should come quickly!