GiveAll icon

GiveAll -----

A present for all!

  • Added 1.21.2, 1.21.3 and 1.21.4 support.
  • Added missing message for "special-item list" to the help command.
----------, Dec 30, 2024

  • Added 1.21.1 support
----------, Oct 19, 2024

  • Added 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 1.20.6 and 1.21 support
----------, Jul 7, 2024

  • Added 1.20.2 support
  • Fixed 1 message not correctly parsing the `<name>` placeholder.
  • Fixed help message, missing the `<display_name>` argument for the `/giveall special-item save` command
----------, Oct 15, 2023

  • Added 1.20.0 and 1.20.1 support
----------, Jul 5, 2023

  • Added 1.19.3 and 1.19.4 support
  • Fixed issue where Exp levels were given instead of Exp points.
----------, May 18, 2023

First of all, before updating to this version, please note that the configuration files generated with versions older than 1.0.0 of this plugin won't work anymore. You will have to manually edit the configuration files that will be generated when you start this plugin.

Now to the exciting update log:

New functionality:
- Ability to save items from hand in a database (currently only supporting JSON files but might add different ones like SQL and maybe even MYSQL for cross sever support in the future) with a custom identifiers (names) and custom display names which will be shown when the item is given. This means you now have the ability to give these items just like any other materials by using the custom identifiers you've set.

- Ability to give items in a radius from console. You will have to specify the center location and the radius.


- Reworked the entire command system. I believe the new command system is actually extremely nice and I hope you guys will agree. The commands are now more integrated and the client will basically handle the requirements and all the other stuff, making the commands look more like minecraft commands. But this is not the reason I've made these changes for. The actual reason is the granularity and extremely complex commands it allows me to make. You can see in this paste bin the new list of commands and permissions:

- Moved from legacy strings to MiniMessage. What does this mean? Well it means you get to use all the cool stuff like hex colors, automatic gradients, translatable keys, hover events, click events, and many more! This does mean legacy colors like &3 won't work anymore but I'm hoping you guys will see that the benefits outweigh the costs.

- Bumped base Java version to 17. This means the plugin won't work with java 16 and lower anymore.

- Bumped minimum minecraft version to 1.18. The plugin might still work on 1.17 but you will need java 16 for it to work!

- Moved from YAML to HOCON. This is just a nice change, hocon syntax being a bit nicer than yaml. (Unfortunately due to the library I use, the values will be alphabetically sorted even if you move them around in the file)

- Made the "/giveall help" message configurable. Just some small extras :)

Well, this update has been a long time coming and I really hope you guys will enjoy it. I am hoping that in the future, all this extra work like new configuration files, will be automated and won't require you to change anything.

As always you can join the HelpChat discord server and find me there (BlitzOffline#0531) for support. You can also feel free to use the discussion tab on spigot, or even better the issues page on GitHub.

----------, Aug 3, 2022

Hello, Been a while. New things are coming tho. For now you get:

- A new /giveall xp command to give xp points or levels. It supports radius and world as well. To give points you just use /xp give <amount> [world/radius], and to give levels you add an extra L after amount /xp give <amount>L [world/radius]

- Placeholders being parsed even when message is sent to console (only the placeholders that don't require a Player of course)
- Some internal stuff you most likely won't care about

There is one more thing tho. The next update will bring massive changes. First of all there's plans on migrating from YAML to HOCON, the commands and permissions will be changed (or at least improved), the messages will be migrated to MiniMessages and some other stuff.
----------, Mar 7, 2022

Important changes have been made. Please read carefully before updating!
(Do not forget to back up your old config.yml and delete it as now it was split into 2: config.yml and messages.yml so a fresh config will be required!)

- No more PDM!
Not only was it quite a bit broken, it is not maintained anymore. So I decided to shade every necessary thing inside the plugin.
- Full 1.17 support!
- Vault is not required anymore! You can enable/disable it from config.yml (a server restart will be required for that to take effect)
- Improved parameter checks!
Before, sometimes people would get errors in console when used parameters were bad/not of correct type. Now the plugin handles all of that.
- With it it comes new and improved messages! They are al configurable as well!
- The messages were moved to their own file: messages.yml!
- Removed the permission: giveall.use.all!
This permission was not only not used in a lot of commands but also very unnecesary.
- Improved the help command. Also /giveall with no parameters will act as the help command now!
- Fixed world/radius messages not being sent in some instances when radius or world was used!
- Fixed spelling mistakes!
- A lot of small or big code improvements!

Last but not least, many thanks to @youfish30gamer for the new banner!
----------, Aug 26, 2021

Improvements and fixes:

IMPORTANT!! Please save your old config and regenerate it. Thank you.

- fixed some small bugs like messages being sent to wrong players
- removed the ability to configure permissions (due to how the code was changed)
- fixed the global permission not working for some sub commands
- fixed the help command showing necessary parameters inside [] instead of <> and unnecessary parameters inside <> instead of []
- Vault and PlaceholderAPI are now both 100% required. the plugin won't work without any of them
- improved the code

Just wanted to say that I'm always opened to suggestions in the discussions tab or DM on discord: BlitzGamer_88#0531. I am also on the HelpChat discord server. Feel free to ping me there as well:

Also check out my other resources "RandomTeleport": and "WorldTeleport":

If you enjoy any of my resources don't forget to leave a review. Thank You!
----------, Feb 2, 2021

- Added the "/giveall help" command.
- Added the "" permission.
- Improved the code a lot.
- Improved the default messages.
- Improved the default config.
- Made Vault optional. If you don't have Vault installed, the command /giveall money will be disabled.
- Fixed possible bug with the hand option where each player would get an increasing amount of items instead of all getting the same amount.
- Changed the plugin's logo. Thanks to CozyLeprechaun94 for this one.

Just wanted to say that I'm always opened to suggestions in the discussions tab or DM on discord: BlitzGamer_88#0531. I am also on the HelpChat discord server. Feel free to ping me there as well:

Also check out my other resources "RandomTeleport": and "WorldTeleport":

If you enjoy any of my resources don't forget to leave a review. Thank You!
----------, Oct 28, 2020

New Permissions:, giveall.use.radius,, giveall.use.all, giveall.receive
- giveall.use.all is like giving all these 5 permissions together: giveall.use,, giveall.use.radius,, giveall.use.all

New Features: GiveALL money, GiveAll Players in a radius from you, GiveAll Players in a specific world.

New Commands:
Code (Text):

 /giveAll [material] <amount>                                 - giveall.use
 /giveAll world [material] <amount>                           -
 /giveAll radius [radius] [material] <amount>                 - giveall.use.radius
 /giveAll hand <world>/<radius>                               - giveall.use.hand
 /giveAll money [amount] <world>/<radius>                     -

EDIT: Forgot to let you know that a config refresh would be recommended. Its not required but would be better than leaving it update itself.

Just wanted to say that I'm always opened to suggestions in the discussions tab or DM on discord: BlitzGamer_88#0531. I am also support on HelpChat discord server. Feel free to ping me there as well:

Also check out my other resources "RandomTeleport": and "WorldTeleport":
If you enjoy any of these resources don't forget to leave a review.
----------, Sep 18, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 939
First Release: Sep 8, 2020
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings