- Get a cool item
- Hold it, then /giants serialize (be OP or have giants.command.serialize permission)
- Open the file and copy what I selected
- Open config.yml and paste where I did. Make sure the minus (-) sign is on the same level as other entries (has same amount of preceding spaces). Chance and quantity can be changed.
- Restart your server. Done!
Default config:
Code (Text):
# Notes:
# To have no values in a list, remove every value below it and change to [] like `effects: []`
# If disabled, the giant will not move or attack
ai: true
# Makes giants jump. Very experimental.
# I prefer velocity mode
# 0 - disabled
# 1 - velocity mode
# 2 - tp mode
jumpMode: 0
# 0 - when target is higher
# 1 - when target is higher and giant is stuck
# 2 - when giant is stuck
jumpCondition: 1
# Delay before jumping again, counted from hitting the ground. In milliseconds
jumpDelay: 200
# If velocity mode, y blocks/tick (default 0.42)
# If tp mode, +y to teleport (default 1.2)
# -1: auto
jumpHeight: -1
# In hearts, 0.5 is half a heart
attackDamage: 1.0
# Attack delay / speed, in ticks
# 20 is 1 second
attackDelay: 20
# Self-explanatory, 0 will attack only colliding (touching) entities
# There's no wall check yet, so it will hit through walls
attackReach: 2
# Vertical reach
attackVerticalReach: 1
# Chance of a zombie becoming a giant. This is per each zombie spawn, natural or not.
# 0 is 0% (no zombie becomes a giant), 1 is 100% (every zombie becomes a giant), so the default 0.005 is 0.5%
chance: 0.005
# Worlds that Giants will not spawn in naturally.
# You can still use the command to spawn
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
# Potion effects applied to a giant
# type:amplifier
# types:
# amplifier: just like you know it, max 255
- "JUMP:1"
# Custom drops
# Adding metadata (enchantments, lore etc) is possible. See
- material: STICK # See
chance: 0.75 # 75% chance to drop 1-3 apples
quantityMin: 1 # inclusive
quantityMax: 3 # inclusive
- material: WOODEN_SWORD
chance: 0.05 # 5%
quantityMin: 1
quantityMax: 1