Download the latest getPing.jar from the Releases page.
Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder.
Restart your server.
Customize the config.yml to your liking.
Code (YAML):
# Ping threshold for color coding ping_threshold: 60
# Colors for ping color_good: "<#9BCF53>"# Color for good ping color_bad: "<#FF0000>"# Color for bad ping
# Whether to send ping messages to chat in addition to the action bar send_to_chat: false
# Cooldown for right-click checks (in milliseconds) right_click_cooldown: 3000
# 3 seconds
# Whether to enable the cooldown message cooldown_message_enabled: true
# Action Bar Ping Display action_bar_ping: "<green>Your ping: <color><ping>ms</color>"
# Boss Bar Ping Display boss_bar_ping: "<green>Your ping: <color><ping>ms</color>"
# Leaderboard Settings leaderboard:
title: "<green>Top %count% Players with Best Ping:</green>" entry_format: "<green>%position%. %player%: <color>%ping%ms</color>" max_entries: 10
# Maximum number of players to display in the leaderboard
# Messages messages:
console_error: "<red>Only players can use this command!" no_permission: "<red>You do not have permission to use this command!" player_not_found: "<red>Player not found or offline!" self_ping: "<green>Your ping is <color><ping>ms!</green>" other_ping: "<green><target>'s ping is <color><ping>ms!</green>" reload_success: "<green>Configuration reloaded successfully!" cooldown_message: "<red>Please wait before checking ping again!"