: fake
:true # Whether to broadcast a message to the staff
when a fake block spawns
for a player.
:"%prefix% %player% has broken too many ores in the last few minutes, so a fake block has been spawned at %pos%" fake
-break:true # Whether to broadcast a message to the staff
when a fake block
is broken by a player.
:"%prefix% %player% has broken a fake block" fake
: x
:50 y
:10 z
:6 #
/!\ Please use only even numbers
| I personally recommend
6 blocks
's the size of the ore vein) spawn-ore-at-legal-y-pos: true # For example, it will spawn Diamond only below Y-axis 15.
reset-after: 120 # Note: this is the time in seconds after which the fake blocks disappear and the limit count is reset for all players. max-allowed: iron: 32 gold: 10 diamond: 12 emerald: 5 # This is the number of ores allowed to be broken in the time defined above before fake blocks are spawned.