You need to update to the latest CodexCore plugin for this build to work!
THIS IS A HUGE UPDATE!!! Read all update notes carefully and in full!
This update adds MySQL support, in game editor and new condition options.
Huge thanks to Maksy for making this update possible!
Documentation for the new editor and the new condition options can be found here:
Queue Feature
- Adds a queue-mechanic to queue recipes
- Added parameter crafting_queue in config.yml with default to true
- When crafting_queue: true, autocrafting is disabled automatically
- Permissions to limit the queue for a player
- fusion.queue.limit.<amount> - Limits the queue globally
- fusion.queue.limit.<profession>.<amount> - Limit the queue for a whole profession
- fusion.queue.limit.<profession>.<category>.<amount> - Limits the queue for a category of a profession
- New translation-messages and notifications on PlayerJoin + Interval
- Parameter finished_message_interval: 300 in config.yml in which interval in seconds the notification shall be send to the player
- Storing of queue items into the PlayerConfig
- Fixed /craft reload where new added professions where not loaded properly
- Created a new professions folder to outsource professions from config.yml
- Added migration-mechanic for old professions
Further stuff (config for each profession)
- pattern.items.'{' - Icon for previous queue icon
- pattern.items.'}' - Icon for next queue icon
- The pattern char '-' represents now a queue slot
- queue.Slot - The empty queue icon
- queue.Unfinished - The queue icon for a recipe that is currently not finished
- queue.Slot - The queue icon for a recipe that is already finished
More Updates
-Update to 1.21.1
-Update PlaceholderType for all ItemTypes
-Added MySQL support
-added /craft storage to switch between sqlite & mariadb/mysql
-Added in game editor for creating the browse.yml and each profession and the recipes.
-Fix vanilla ingredients detection
-added seperated folder and cfg for professions (types)
-added migrations from old types to new professions folder
-refactored to new ProfessionsCfg
-added default profession 'craft' when nothings existent
-adding fix for Ingredient detection
-connected the queue logic into the crafting itself
-code optimization and minor visual fixes
-fixed drop behaviour when inventory is full
-small improvements & exp-handling
-fixed Fusion class
-Added a fix for the BrowseGUI were newly added professions after /craft reload couldnt be learned
-Added tab-completition for the commands (with permission checks too)
-fixed visual amount of ''
-make vault take money on queuing and refunding on cancel instead on obtaining
-adding browse conditions for joining professions
-Added default professions on fresh install to show example usage
-added join command for professions to skip browse gui
-permission to prevent browse-gui from opening
-Added placeholders
-Added op bypass for profession use
-Added start line for crafting requirements
-Added initial setup of FusionAPI (custom events, player- & profession manager
-added stored enchantment support for enchanted books