FurnitureMaker icon

FurnitureMaker -----

FurnitureLib, ArmorStand, Editor

Version: 2.2.0
Great plugin, although with some bugs that they will surely fix, such as deactivating the recipe when editing, but in general very good xD

Version: 2.0.4
Perfect Plugin.
I recomended you to use this plugin for making a Furniture.
Thanks Dev :3

Version: 2.0.2
Can u add it support custom modeldata of furniture place item pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Author's response
Thank you for your 5 Start Review, It is already includet to use it use /furniture recipe <model> edit and place it inside the result slot.

Version: 2.0.2
This is one of the best plugins I've ever seen
It makes my server map more delicate and beautiful

Version: 2.0.2

suggestion: can you add new tag about execute commandw when you click the furniture? maybe #COMMAND# or #CMD#, it will be really useful!
Author's response
Thank you for the review, a command suggestion function is already implemented you only need to rename a furniture armorstand with the raw command, /example.
He accept a buch of placeholders for more informations look at the FurnitureMaker Website.

Version: 2.0.1
Still enjoying Furniture Maker in 1.16.3. Used it to make telepads, and again to make anti-mob totems. I love building new things, and sharing it on the website. 10/10 would recommend :D

Version: 2.0 - Alpha #3
Currently trying to use on 1.13.2 and the import function is not working at all. I went through the site and generated but can't import. Half the time it glitches out before I can even get new model at its base created and closed. Not sure why. Your other plugins work quite flawless.

Version: 1.9.0
Hi, plugin is very successful. I even liked it and used it. But I have a problem. Please appreciate if you respond as soon as possible.
When I put furniture in a place, everyone can break it. With "furniture manage", players can break even if I access the settings and make the interaction "none".

Version: 1.8.7
Excellent. Still works in 1.13.2. Needs a little bit of tweaking, but well worth the wait for updates. Thanks, so much!

Version: 1.8.6
Thanks for spending your time to code this plugin, because it's amazing, and very well coded!

Version: 1.8.5
It is a good plugin, but it would be a lot better if you could add some features.

An example of that future is to set the movements/rotation
For example in Spigot 1.12 all the models from your website are bugged, but with a little bit of effort we could adjust the rotation of some things.

Also, there is a visual bug with the wools, when you mix them they will be buggy, to fix this is just have a custom movement and custom position of the things via commands, example if I type /furniture movement (value) or /furniture position (value)

And when you create armor stands with inventories, make an option that could let us change the name of the inventories (with colors)

Version: 1.8.4
Great plugin, easy to use and fonctional but how can i make click events? For example when you click on an oven, the fire appears.

Version: 1.8.2
Loving it, just a question what entity type/block type is the finished product? Im trying to run a skript which will identify what item a player is rightclicking

Version: 1.6
Great, but could use something...

The Ability to add a command to an armor stand/the Whole Model

please add this feature

Version: 1.5

I have a question, Have you thinks about the addition of the animated ArmorStand editor ?

Great job !

Version: 1.4.1
ALSO VERY NEED LANG EDIT FOR THAT PLUGIN!!! I want translate interface!!!

Version: 1.4.1
Excelent work, I love this plugin, works fine and the developer its so kind, answer all my question in a moment ^^
Author's response
Thank your for your grat review

I have the problem when I do: /furniture dowload <id> (newname) and I press enter, the server says:'The Furniture Downloader have an Exception'. So what do I have to do?
Author's response
it is fixed sorry i switch the root directen of the furniture maker website

I am enjoying the addition of customisable furniture items but my players are making some very strange objects! :P
Keep up the good work!

Version: 1.3 Reupload
Please repair!
If i click to /furniture download <id> (newname)
to chat it write /furniture do!!!!n!!!!wnload <id> (newname)

(Without !!!!!)
Author's response
You cannot rename the Systemid.

Version: 1.3 Reupload
My only issue is for some reason light api is not removing light

They place lights but don't fix it after break and I have blauches now

But works great other wise

Version: 1.3 Reupload
A moderation system of the furniture could be a good idea . . . people posting stupid ooak fence ( like cerca1 ) are so stupid . . .

Version: 1.1
Like all the plugins of this author, this is an amazing plugin. It works really well and is really easy to use. There are some minor bugs, but it doesn't affect the functionality. Keep up the good work!

Version: 1.1
GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!
I have little bug with stonecubble =( Maybe if you have time you write me and i show you my stream.

Version: 0.9.1b
Excellent, works perfectly for my MMORPG server. Only want to ask how do i give it an editable interface? Kinda like how the weaponstand works.

I want to be able to change the chestplate in an interface so i dont have to make multiple types, Is it possible to do?

Version: 0.8b
Really complicated you must need to use the garreto modelizer tool to import like this

Version: 0.7b
GREAT! *picture crazy zoidberg* MOOOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. need script system for making iteract with new furniture ;)

Version: 0.5b
Best Plugin! :D
I only need more Ideas! ^^

Version: 0.4b
Very good, fast and helpful dev. My questions got solved(via PM) in 30 minutes. Also the plugin works very nice and doesn't have many bugs! Good Job!

Version: 0.4b
Awesome plugin! I use this alot on my server.
My players love this. Keep up the work! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Author's response
Thank you for this nice review :)

Version: 0.1b
Super AWSOME Plugin,
i love it so mutch.

You can make your own furnitures mutch faster then with Commandblocks.

You can edit all thinks and you can put your furnitures in the 1.8 if you make all 1.9 thinks like glow and the items in the second hand out.

Its Amazing

Thanks for making and i hope you make mor of so awsome plugins

And Thanks for the fast support :D


Version: 0.7
Best plugin out there.funny to play with... also look at .small mistake that wouldnt change anything :P
Author's response
You can use /furniture create <name> table
This command will clone the exist furniture and you can edit that but the clone command deos not clone the function of a furniture

Version: 0.5
Best Update ever ! now i can share my stuff amazing! , i hope there are more people who wanne join me with uplouding the stuff they made! :D

Version: 0.5
Awesome work! Can you add interact events like inventory, animations and other stuffs ? But sometimes if is armorstand in the ground is black, is there possibility to set armorstand without boundingbox ?

Version: 0.2
Such an amazing plugin, had a lot of fun trying to make furniture with it even though it didnt turn out too well. :P
Great job dev!

Version: 0.1
Awesome! :D Can you add a "smoother" rotation (like with the Compass / "Make move size lower/higher")? ^^
PS: Sorry for my english ^^
Author's response
You can change the move size with
shift+left Click & schift+rightclick with the compass
and the same with the clock (rotation)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 110,808
First Release: Mar 25, 2016
Last Update: Nov 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
36 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings