I am happy to report about this new update. In this update I am recoding the plugin and removing some stupid and unnecessary things. Anyway, it is an important update as it may or may not be the last one.
Today I bring you the most recent update, I added many things, such as support for placeholder api, functionalities that work with plugin events and the possibility of putting enchantments and effects on the feather, you can also configure the plugin's messages in msg.yml
After some time I am updating funky feather adding many improvements such as a more personalized feather and the ability to edit messages when using the feathers or special items of the plugin, I also wanted to remind you of our compatibility with vault and placeholders (not connected with PlaceholderAPI)
Today I'm here to bring you version 1.1.0 of this incredible plugin. I added Vault functions and improved the configuration, so you'll need to delete your config.yml file from the plugin folder to update it. There are several configurable things, and I fixed some spelling errors too.